Without him, none of this would be possible. : )
I'd like to thank John for hooking me up with the spot on Geocities in the first place & teaching me the basics of HTML. Thanks Bud!
Nathan...Who Helped me to better my page, made me a Lil' wiser, and did all the countless uploading.
He also gave me encouragement when I was down about my page & other things. Thanks man!
Friends I made while on XBand who are like family to me: Dan & Holly, And Ron & Lori.
My bros on the Internet, CyberPsychosis & Ron (Aka: The Knight Rider) You guys are the best!
And my close friends Kayin (Aka: Kain), Nick (Aka: Happi), Steven (Aka: Moussé), Oscar, Daniel, Josh, Ryan, Victor, And my many other friends. (You know who you are)