Hercules and Xena Banner Exchange
Hercules and Xena Banner Exchange

Episode Descriptions
Season Four

Below are descriptions and links to pictures for fourth season episodes


Mania's Extensive Spoilers
Adventures in the Sin Trade I Adventures in the Sin Trade II A Family Affair In Sickness and In Hell
A Good Day A Tale of Two Muses Locked Up and Tied Down Crusader
Past Imperfect Key to the Kingdom Daughter of Pomira If the Shoe Fits
Paradise Found Devi Between the Lines The Way
The Play's the Thing The Convert Takes One To Know One Endgame
Ides of March Deja Vu All Over Again
Season Three
Season Five

Sneak Peek Theater
Always recommended for viewing pics from the upcoming new Xena episode!!

Mania's Extensive Spoilers
Spoilers for the first 3 Xena episodes (of Season Four) and the first 3 Hercules episodes (of Season Five)!!
Check out Andy Mangel's Hollywood Heroes!
Mary D's Season 4 Preview Promo Screen Grabs

Adventures in the Sin Trade I
Distraught with grief over the loss of Gabrielle, Xena travels to Siberia and the Amazon Land of the Dead to find her friend.

When last seen in May's cliffhanger, Gabrielle was sacrificing herself at the altar of Dahak to rid the world of her evil daughter Hope. As the fourth season opens, Xena (Lucy Lawless) begins a two-part search for her friend's spirit. Her first stop, the underworld, is a dry well. ("She didn't come to me," Hades shrugs.) Then it dawns on the Warrior Princess that Gabrielle had been initiated into the Amazons, who have their own land of the dead. So, guided by Gabrielle's faint voice in the wind, Xena rides off. Geographically, she's in Siberia; but spiritually, Xena is in an abyss where she confronts her dark past. What's more, she has to battle an evil shamaness (Claire Stansfield) along the way.
Source: TV Guide
Preview Pictures: Mary D's Adventures in the Sin Trade I Screen Grabs

Adventures in the Sin Trade II
Xena travels to the Amazon Resting Place to battle the evil witch, Alti, and learns that Gabrielle is still alive.
Pictures: Tom's Adventures in the Sin Trade II Pics

A Family Affair
Xena and Joxer travel to Poteidaia to find Gabrielle home visiting friends and family, but the reunion is interrupted when Xena discovers an evil in the area, a monster terrorizing the village - Hope! Hope tries to fool Xena, but it doesn't work. Meanwhile oblivious to the danger, Gabrielle's family don't exactly warm up to Xena - the warlord that took their "little girl" away. A very touching an emotional affair when the real Gabrielle and Xena reunite. There will be two deaths with common blood by the end of the episode. Yep, sounds like your typical family reunion!
Xena Media

Xena reunites with Gabrielle and the two friends face off with the evil Hope and Dahak's grandson, the monstrous Destroyer.
Source: Whoosh!
Pictures: ROCfanatic's A Family Affair Pics

In Sickness and In Hell
While battling off the evil Scythians from taking over the world, Xena gets head lice and Gabrielle gets a foot fungus that spreads to her entire body. Joxer however, is impervious to everything! Gabrielle and Xena fight for the personal use of a shrub. New line of lyrics added to Joxer's theme song.
Xena Media
Pictures: Tom's In Sickness and In Hell Pics

A Good Day
Caesar and Pompey bring their civil war to Greece. Accusations on both sides escalates to battle until a Greek Roman commander steps in. Xena and Gabrielle offer a hand, of course.
Xena Media
Pictures: ROCfanatic's A Good Day pics

A Tale of Two Muses
Xena and Gabby recruit Auto to rescue a small town from the oppression of expression - think "Footloose."
The Official Bruce Campbell Site

Gabrielle's friend Tara is arrested for dancing in a town run by a puritanical magistrate.
Source: TV Guide
Pictures: Logomancy's A Tale of Two Muses Picture Gallery

Locked Up and Tied Down
(formerly Shark Island Prison)

Xena is sentenced to life in prison for the crimes she committed in her dark past.
Pictures: ROCfanatic's Locked Up and Tied Down pics

Xena and Gabrielle join another warrior with the same ideals on a holy mission to fight against evil. Gabrielle is intrigued by the warrior's spirituality, and likewise the warrior finds herself drawn to Gabrielle.
Xena Media

When a beautiful savior named Najara appears, preaching peace, Xena realizes she may not be all that she seems.
Source: TV Guide
Pictures: ROCfanatic's Crusader pics


Past Imperfect
This is an action-packed dense episode. Not only do we get to see the events leading up to the Battle of Corinth, the birth of Solan, the death of Borias, and yet another extremely peeved woman from Xena's past, but we also get to see the events leading up to the vision of Xena and Gabrielle's death that Xena foresaw in Adventures in the Sin Trade II. See how Xena avoided death in the past and avoids it in the present. See Xena muck up even more personal relationships. Xena, what a gal!

Xena must find a copycat who is mirroring her evil deeds of the past.
Source: Click TV
Preview Pictures: Mary D's Past Imperfect Preview

Key to the Kingdom
Auto, Joxer, and Xena-look-alike Meg kidnap a baby from two corrupt rulers.
The Official Bruce Campbell Site

Joxer, Autolycus and Xena-lookalike Meg team up to search for a lost crown. At least that's what Meg and Joxer tell Autolycus.
Source: TV Guide

Xena's double, Meg the barmaid, fools Autolycus into helping her steal a special baby.
Source: Click TV
Pictures: Xena--WP's (High-Quality) Screen Captures from KTTK

Daughter of Pomira
One girl stands between war and peace. Xena and Gabrielle try to reunite a family but in doing so may cause a war.
Pictures: ROCfanatic's DOP Pics

If the Shoe Fits...
"This episode is the story of Cinderella (now Tyrella) retold differently to a 7-year old runaway princess by: Gabrielle, Aphrodite, Joxer and Xena."
Director Josh Becker

Xena and Aphrodite vie to be "Fairy Godsmother" to a little girl who has run away from home, but Aphrodite doesn't fight fair.
Source: TV Guide

Gabrielle, Xena, Joxer and Aphrodite use storytelling to help a runaway princess realize the importance of home.
Source: Click TV
Pictures: ROCfanatic's If the Shoe Fits Pictures

Paradise Found
Xena and Gabrielle find themselves in a beautiful place, a paradise...or is it? Gabrielle continues her spiritual quest while Xena finds herself losing to her dark side. Gabrielle's paradise may well be Xena's hell.
Xena Media

Gabrielle finds inner calm, but Xena is plagued by violent images in a land ruled by a man who claims to know the true path to peace.
Source: Click TV
Pictures: MaryD's Paradise Found Pics

(formerly Smoke and Mirrors)
Xena and Gabrielle travel to exotic India, where Xena helps rescue a beleagured magician named Eli, and Gabrielle discovers that she may have the power to heal. Hailed as a "devi" healing deity by the village priest Vikram, Gabrielle begins to perform wonders, but there is something wrong. Gabrielle and Eli may be forced to exorcize an evil spirit from Gabrielle if Xena’s hunch is correct!

While traveling in India, Gabrielle suddenly acquires the power to heal, but Xena is suspicious of the power's source.
Source: Click TV
Pictures: MaryD's Devi Pics

Between the Lines
An Indian ritual sends Xena's soul into the future for an encounter with the reincarnation of the evil shamaness, Alti.
Click TV
Pictures: MaryD's BTL Pics

The Way
Xena seeks the help of the god Krishna to rescue Gabrielle and Eli from the clutches of the King of the Demons.
Click TV
Pictures: MaryD's The Way Preview Pics


The Play's the Thing
"The Queen of Cons" convinces Gabrielle to base a play on her adventures with Xena, so she can run off with the production's investment money.
Click TV
Pictures: MaryD's TPTT Pics


The Convert
Najara returns claiming a newfound mantra for nonviolence while Joxer wrestles with the guilt of his first kill.
Click TV

Najara returns, claiming that she has renounced violence; Joxer deals with his first kill.
Source: Whoosh!
Pictures: MaryD's Convert Pics

Takes One To Know One
Xena, Gabrielle, Auto and Joxer try to unravel a strange murder in a tavern - think "Xena, She Wrote."
Bruce Campbell Central

Friends and family gather for Gabrielle's surprise birthday party, only to become suspects in a murder investigation.
Source: TV Guide
Pictures: MaryD's TOTKO Pics

Gabrielle becomes queen of the Amazons after Ephiny dies at the hand of Brutus.
Click TV
Pictures: MaryD's Endgame Pics

Ides of March
Callisto returns from hell with a double mission: corrupt Xena and make Julius Caesar emperor.
Click TV

Season Ender: Deja Vu All Over Again
A woman is convinced she is the reincarnation of Xena, the Warrior Princess.
Click TV

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Background source: ROCfanatic's page

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