10 - Turning on the windshield wiper in the limo.
9 - Dialing numbers on his cellular phone.
8 - Forgetting about it and trying to scratch his nose.
7 - Golf is basically out of the picture. (On second thought, maybe this belongs in the other list!)
6 - So much for being the perfect British gentleman; when he eats, he's going to have to cut his food into pieces, *then* eat it. (Morag sez this is uncouth and that one should always cut off bite- sized pieces as one dines.)
5 - Spellcasting is going to become a lot more difficult (for the Owen-as-fay-and/or-Magus sect).
4 - The "Little Bunny Foo-Foo" song is a thing of the past.
3 - One word: pigeons!
2 - Trying to explain it on a Worker's Comp form. ("Mr. Burnett, will you please describe *again* how your left arm turned to stone?" "It was a freak accident involving a microwave oven and non-dairy powdered creamer.")
And the worst thing about Owen's new arm is:
1 - Being followed around all day by Xanatos and Fox singing, "Caught Between a Rock and a Hard Place."
Merlin Missy:)