The Owen & Puck Ask Greg Archive

This is a collection of all the questions from Ask Greg that are related to Owen and Puck. If you don't know, Ask Greg is a section of the Station 8 Gargoyles Website where people can submit questions about Gargoyles to Greg Weisman, one of its creators and producers.

The questions that were submitted are in blue, and Greg's answers are in green. Obviously, in order to get just the questions and answers that relate to Owen/Puck, I've had to do a lot of editing. Usually, I can edit things so that you never notice that anything is missing. Occasionally, someone asks a very general question that has a long answer, very little of which involves O/P. Because of this, when I edit out the stuff that I don't need, the answer seems a little... odd. So, the few times I've had to do this, I've added in a little note in purple saying that's it's been edited a lot, and giving a brief summary of what's been cut, just so it won't be so confusing.

The questions on the "New" page are from Greg's Latest Response. The old questions have been divided up, with page three being the more recent ones.

New (4/98)
-Due to a little booboo, these "new" ones are actually older than the last batch I added. *shrugs* Oh, well.

Old- Page 1 (? - 12/12/97)

Old- Page 2 (12/31/97 - 05/20/98)

Old- Page 3(12/28/98)


bars from The Graphic Station 1