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Ben and Victoria's Movie and Popcorn Gallery

Welcome to our Movie and Popcorn Gallery, a small Internet shrine devoted to the most essential elements of our North American lives. Be sure to stop by our favourite movies section as well as our image and popcorn shrine/preparation guide. Well, pleasant viewing and bon appetit!

MOVIES! Our Favourite Movies Gallery - Come to our little corner of the multiverse to see our selected list of the best all-time movies and, well, of course, why we just happened to pick them! (Updated for the first time in a half a year)
Our Ultimate Guide to Popcorn - Yes, siree, we've got it all. Your favourite snacking food's own NetShrine. Directions, instructions, and our views on this... erm, essential to life. POPCORN!

Our Own Little Self-Fullfillment - Yup, you got that right. It's us. Well, at least that's what they say. Yes, a little corner of the Internet dedicated to the site's movie and popcorn conaisseurs, Ben, Victoria, Christian, Luke and Terence.

Our Reviews - Check out our little thoughts on all sorts of different movies, from Hollywood to the two indies that we love. Also this is the page that will have the RCSN Film Society schedule.

Frames Version - Yes. 'Tis true! We've our own little frame-enabled corner of this here multiverse!

Welcome Visitor Number This site was last updated on Thursday, November 23, 2000

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Ben: "Why are you reading the bottom of this page? Are you bored?"

Victoria: "How did you know?"