
Home Queensland 1999 Europe 1999/2000 Melbourne 2000 New Zealand 2001

Hi There!

Welcome to my website. If you have this web address you probably already know who I am, but I'll tell you anyway. My name is Josh, and I have devoted this website to photos of my travels from 1999 to 2001. It contains photos from my holidays in Tropical Queensland, Europe, Melbourne and New Zealand.


Just use the navigation bars at the top of each page to move around the site, and when you have viewed a photo after selecting one of the thumbnails, you can return to the gallery page by clicking on the "Back" button of your browser. Unfortunately because this site is hosted on Yahoo!Geocities, an advertisement box will load with each page - however, you can avoid this by clicking the "Up" arrow at the top of the box to minimise it.

If you have any questions please contact me.


people have visited this site since the 4th February 2001


(C) 2001. All Rights Reserved. All of the elements of this website, including photos, are copyright, and thus may not be copied except for personal use, without the permission of the author. Any breaches may result in prosecution. The maps on this website are courtesy of (excepting alterations), and their copyright rights remain with that entity.