I now have a couple review partners, and I decided to just display the queue of sites to be reviewed here. That way it is up to you if you wish to wait for a review.
Sir Siren has been a useless fish lately. He just sits there and watches "The Little Mermaid" ALL DAY OVER AND OVER! Why did I adopt such a lazy fish? That's okay; I got a job for him. One thing I've been wanting to do is to set up an award system of my own, but it's just too much for a Sailor Moon baddie to handle. Thus, I've assigned the task to Sir Siren . . . Sir Siren? . . . Sir Siiiiren?! . . . SIR SIREN!! WAKE UP!!! IT'S TIME!!
*yawn* . . . *mumble* . . . Ariel . . . *yawn* . . . Oh! Hello; I see you've come to win my award. I've been hard at work on this, as I'm a very hard working fish you know. I'm here to investigate the Sailor Moon sites out there, and report the results to my boss. Here's how this works:
Yes, this is yet another Sailor Moon site award; but this time you will be judged by a fish. What fish do (well, Sir Siren anyways) is take all the positive aspects of your site then subtract the negatives; resulting from 1 to 4 stars.
If you have for example 12 impressive aspects, and 3 annoying aspects to your site; you'll obviously win the 4 star site award. If you have 2 good things and 4 bad things, you don't win (this time around ^^).
The investigation reports will be posted for all to see. So I will put up a list of the positives and negatives of your site, and if you wanna touch your site up, and apply again, that'd be great.
Okay. You know the routine. I don't think you need to be told what is good and bad in a website; Sir Siren attended a technical university and studied web page design, so don't fear that you will be judged in ignorance.
If you feel that some aspects of your site have been ignored in my review . . . they haven't. I will thoroughly investigate every aspect of your page. If you expect to get a positive point for "having a link to your web rings" for example, and you didn't, this is because something like that is to be expected. You might have things that aren't bad, but not necessarily outstanding either.
Sir Siren has a lady friend to help judge too; as to get different perspectives on your awesome pages.
Please do not get upset if I discover negative aspects of your site. Just fix them up and know that your site is now that much better. ^^ If I feel that there's something about your site that isn't outright bad, but may be found so by some people, I will simply let you know of it in my E-mail to you. I will not say something is negative if it's based solely on my opinion. I will simply make sure you're aware of such little things.
Apply Now!
E-mail the
above information to me if you don't want to use the form.
Award Queue - A listing of the sites that have applied but have yet to be reviewed. The 3 reviewers will review this list of sites before they can get to yours (unless of course you pay us ^_-).