Cascade Hospital Entrance | ER |
ICU/Ward | Trauma
Cardiology | Forensics
| Genetics | Infectious
Disease | Neurology | Obstetrics
| Oncology | Orthopaedics
| Pharmacy | Psychiatry
| Surgery | Toxicology
| Miscellaneous | Hospital
Last updated October 22, 1999.
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The Cascade Hospital is a resource website designed specifically to help FANFIC and other FICTION WRITERS who want to make their stories more medically authentic. It is NOT for people seeking answers to personal medical questions -- that is a job for your private physician.
Medical Disclaimer: This site's sole purpose is to provide medical bits of knowledge in everyday language in order to aid fanfic writers who wish to make their stories more medically authentic. This site is not intended in any way to give medical or healthcare advice to anyone. If you are in need of medical assistance, get thee to your local friendly physician or hospital or ER or dial 911 (do not email me!). Although the information on this site is accurate to the best of my knowledge, no guarantees are being made, express or implied.
Sentinel Disclaimer: This is an UNOFFICIAL site for The Sentinel. Jim Ellison, Blair Sandburg, Megan Conner, Simon Banks, and all things Sentinel belong to Pet Fly Productions, UPN, and Paramount. No copyright infringement is intended and no money is being made.
The contents of this site are a result of input from Sentinel fans. Unfortunately, NO FURTHER MEDICAL QUESTIONS ARE BEING ACCEPTED. Do not attempt to email the page author, because your email will not be answered. Sorry!
what happens when a seriously injured patient arrives in the ER
and the Ward - caring for a patient in the ICU or the general ward
Unit- broken ribs and chest trauma, head trauma, car crashes, stitching
up flesh wounds, intubation and extubation, more
-- congenital heart disease, passing out from emotional stress
-- hypothermia, frostbite, drowning, electrical shock, smoke inhalation,
-- paternity tests, amniocentesis, blood type
Disease -- diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, parasites; antibiotic
-- coma, measuring brain activity, amnesia, petit mal seizures
-- What amateurs should do to deliver a baby
(cancer) -- childhood leukemia
-- fractures, joint injuries, cast care
-- prescription and OTC drugs for pain, etc. commonly prescribed in a hospital
-- suicide
-- preparation, selected operations, anesthesia, recovery, how the OR runs
-- illicit (street) drugs, gases, poisons
Emergencies - the meaning of Code Blue, Yellow, Red, Orange,
Pink, etc.
This Sentinel page and graphics created by Robyn.