There are two reactions to this website. People either hate it or despise it. Please reconsider your decision to visit.

All that you will find here is the disturbing world of Brother Theodore, grim jokes, and material on other dark humorists..

Cynics, curmudgeons, malcontents and the misguided. Are you one of those? Perhaps you are merely a solitudinous moron.

Are you offended? Don't be. This is just the opening page.

Keep your wits about you. Most people have already lost theirs, at least by half. You are now being asked to make a decision.

TAKE ME to the first page of Brother Theodore

GIVE ME the first page of DARK HUMOR

UPDATES: November 11, 2001: honoring the first birthday without him, Theodore's friends gathered for a wonderful evening at the "Ethical Culture" center, to watch an hour of rare clips of dark humor and to share memories of him. The webmaster for this site was there, along with Theodore's son and his most revered and closest friends, Lorca, Tom, and Sidney. To paraphrase Tom, when it comes to loving and respecting Theodore, there IS life after death.

January 22, 2004; The one, original and only Gollum is BROTHER THEODORE, in the original animated motion picture.

Update March 15, 2005: We have seen so-called "Tribute" pages and "official" pages for Theodore come and go. Various coms and nets and orgs. Seems we are the only true and enduring site. As Theodore would say...."But this is TERRIBLE!"

Update: February 5, 2006: Where was the book on Theodore? The documentary? The re-issues of his material? So many years have passed since Theodore passed, and my old friend has been given nothing beyond a funeral and a burial. Update: November 2, 2006: A few glimpses of Brother Theodore are now on YouTube (not put there by me). They're taken from a DVD called "Disinformation" (mostly "edgy" drek with a few Theodore moments he was cajoled into doing at his apartment) and from Letterman's show. The estate is continuing to explore its options. Theodore's audio material is not "public domain" for ooky-spooky oafs to copy for their own profit, and the estate pursues parasites with the same venom Theodore did.

The END is NEAR. Although Geocities is owned by the rich and powerful Yahoo, that company is cutting back, and Geocities will be discontinued. HOWEVER, this, the original Brother Theodore site, the ONLY one put up while he was still alive to see it and approve of it, WILL CONTINUE. It will shift to very shortly. A free site is infinitely more pleasant than one that one must pay for, but one also gets what one pays for. So we can not begrudge Geocities for deciding that ad-supporte free websites was ultimately a bad idea, compared to such GOOD ideas as Blogspot (run by the Nazis of Google), Twitter (run by Twits) and the unspeakable Facebook and MySpace (of which we say nothing).