Buchanan and Goodman brought a lot of joy and silliness to the world. And so fate conspired to do them dirt, and give them both wretched finales.

The team was responsible for "The Flying Saucer," the first in a series of "break-in" novelty records. Buchanan was the one who began that historic 1956 record with: "We interrupt this record to report that a flying saucer has landed-" For more on their work, read "Goldmine Comedy Record Price Guide" from Krause books.

Fast forward...

After spending 30 years making novelty "break-in" records, Dickie Goodman shot himself.

As for his partner, who had sought to avoid the fate of spending 30 years making novelty "break-in" reords, the end was slower. Buchanan had let Dickie Goodman continue narrating zany adventures about flying saucers, Elliot Ness, King Kong, E.T., Jaws, etc. (all with break-ins from hit songs of the day). He went on to produce a record album for The Three Stooges and to write for Creative Screenwriting magazine.

Buchanan describes some of this himself...in a letter he sent to President Bill Clinton. It is dated December 30, 1995:

Mr. Bill Clinton
President of the United States
The White House
Washington, D.C.

Dear Mr. President:

I am dying of cancer and I am being denied medical treatment that could save my life.

Who is the culprit? Congress. Why? The law recognizes only FDA approved treatment; health insurance companies, including Medicare and Medicaid will pay only for FDA authorized medication and procedures administered by licensed Medical Doctors or Osteopaths. But these treatments have meager success in treating cancer.

If I choose to go to the hospital, I can have radiation therapy, chemotherapy and surgery to remove my lung-all costing perhaps $50,000-paid for with taxpayers' money. However, if I elect not to go that route, and choose alternative treatment which might cost $800 per month, it will be denied me. I am 65 years old; retired. My income is from Social Security. I cannot afford this expense. Either I surrender to surgery or die.

Mr. President, this means that traditional therapy used for 2,000 years in Japan, China and Russia and dozens of new therapies now being used successfully in Germany, Canada and Mexico are denied me. If my doctor administers any one of these treatments, he runs the risk of ridicule, revocation of his license and expulsion from the medical brotherhood-while Medicare and the other insurers refuse to pay for his services, even in the face of positive results.

The FDA has no right to diagnose my illness nor to prescribe my treatment. This far exceeds its authority and has given the FDA ultimate power over every aspect of the medical industry, and now over my life and death.

Please help! The FDA needs to be reminded of its purpose, and reorganized accordingly.
Medicare needs to be redefined so that every American has total freedom of choice and freedom of access in matters concerning his or her own health. I need to get immediate treatment of my choice, paid for by Medicare.

Please help me! I am not ready to die.

Respectfully yours,

William V. Buchanan

Mr. Buchanan died August 1st, in Los Angeles, where he had gone to receive microwave energy therapy. A friend, Dennis Beck, recalled: "His prognosis was looking better every day. The tumors were getting smaller. His outlook was cheerful and upbeat. His doctors had even tried to get him to slow down. He collapsed, was taken to the hospital, but it was too late."