Before the information highway, before TV and movies, people had to be witty via the spoken word. This was so difficult to do, it has practically been abandoned now.
There are a few famous writers who can still amuse us even though they are from an era that did not know Jenny McCarthy, Pauly Shore or Tom Arnold.
For example... OSCAR WILDE.

I sometimes think that God, in creating man, somewhat overestimated his ability.

Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught.

Morality is simply the attitude we adopt to people whom we personally dislike.

Democracy means simply the bludgeoning of the people, by the people, for the people.

There is much to be said in favour of modern journalism. By giving us the opinions of the uneducated, it keeps us in touch with the ignorance of the community.

Rich bachelors should be heavily taxed. It is not fair that some men should be happier than others.

Young people, nowadays, imagine that money is everything, and when they grow older, they know it.

Murder is always a mistake. One should never do anything one cannot talk about after dinner.

The history of women is the history of the worst tyranny the world has ever known; the tyranny of the weak over the strong. It is the only tyranny that ever lasts.

A man who moralises is usually a hypocrite and a woman who moralises is invariably plain.

One should always be in love. That is the reason why one should never marry.

Niagara Falls is simply a vast unnecessary amount of water going the wrong way and then falling over unnecessary rocks...when I first saw the falls I was disappointed...Every American bride is taken there, and the sight must be one of the earliest, if not the keenest, disappointments of American married life.

When one is in love one begins by deceiving oneself. And one ends by deceiving others. This is what the world calls a romance.

There is nothing in the world like the devotion of a married woman. It's a thing no married man knows anything about.

All ways end at the same point...Disillusion.

It is absurd to divide people into good or bad. People are either charming or tedious.

Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes.

The English public takes no interest in a work of art until it is told that the work in question is immoral.

Henry James writes fiction as if it were a painful duty.

There are two ways of disliking poetry; one way is to dislike it, the other is to read Pope.

As long as war is regarded as wicked it will always have its fascination. When it is looked upon as vulgar, it will cease to be popular.

(Being led to jail in handcuffs) If this is the way Queen Victoria treats her convicts, she doesn't deserve to have any.

Children begin by loving their parents. After a time they judge them...rarely, if ever, do they forgive them.

The English country-gentleman galloping after the fox...the unspeakable in full pursuit of the uneatable.

Philanthropy seems to me to have become simply the refuge of people who want to annoy their fellow creatures.

Religion is the fashionable substitute for belief.