
Welcome to our den, hi I'm Greywolf Lupous. I'm the master of the main page, so what you see here is my opinion. Before I start off with the family tree, I bet you'd like to know who we are. Well, as you've guessed, our real last name isn't Lupous, that's just our internet name. And the only two of us that are really related are me and Goldwolf.

Here's some info on some of us in the Lupous family:

Greywolf (that's me!):

I'm Greywolf, leader of the Black Diamond wolf pack. I am master of the acient rings (most of this is role playing, so you can stop rolling your eyes and saying "yeah right" now.) I am thirteen years old, soon to be turning fourteen in November. I am in love with Tre Cool, who is the cutest two-tailed fox on the net. The mother of Scrapper, Nitro, Max, Canis, and Brave Wolf (adopted), and known as Huntress in the Road Rover (my favorite show) universe.
My pages:
Road Rovers - My Road Rover page. It has fan fiction, IRC info, fan art, and much more.
Isla Sorna - My Lost World page. It is under major construction, and I hope it gets more progress on it done.

Max & Canis:

Max and Canis are my two little four year olds on the internet, and basically the same in real life. They prefer to keep their real life to themselves, but they let me share about their real lives. Max's full name is Max Vulpes Cool, and Canis's is Canis Lupus Cool. Their online father is Tre Cool, and I am their online mother. They are faternal twins (I think that's the word) and they act like they hate each other, but they love their Uncle Kle'eg, Uncle Hawk, Aunt Xena, their sisters: Nitro and Scrapper, and their rarely seen adopted brother Brave Wolf (see, I don't think you're evil Brave, just stay away from Captain.)


Nitro was the first to join me, and she is second-in-command of the Black Diamonds. Like me she can have a terrible temper if you set her off, but it takes a whole lot to do that. She adores her younger siblings Max and Canis, and gets along with her twin. (See: Scrapper)

Scrapper looks exactly like Nitro, but her ears are black, and her thick jet-black hair reaches her knees, which she normally wears down.. Her right eye is deep blue, her left eye is white but is not completely blind. They both glow wite when she is angered to the point that she needs to call upon her powers. Her  She has a jet-black patch of fur around her left eye and a ripped-up half-ear on the same side. These are all scars from a fight she had when she was about 8 weeks old.
She's a powerful Dreadwolf sorceress (but I don't approve because she's suppose to be heir to the rings someday).

My 25 year old brother, and a great friend (for a brother). I don't get to see him much, cause his job takes him out on the road for long periods of time and takes them very often. He also loves Road Rovers. His favorite two characters are Master and Parvo (males, go fig.)
Goldwolf's pages:
Parvo's Palace
Master's Ledge

Mail Greywolf:


Mail Goldwolf: