explose.gif (16495 bytes)Fairlena.jpg (7289 bytes)explose.gif (16495 bytes)

I hope that you enjoy this new look..it took me awhile..but I have finally finished it..well ya never finish a page. *L* But the major part of it is done.

As you will find out,  I love XENA..But who wouldn't..She is an inspiration to most women..I know she is for me.  Not only do I like Xena, but I love other things as well, Music, Movies, Art, Poetry, etc.  You will also find other links to my friends and their pages, and if I have left anyone out..PLEASE forgive me..Just send me the information and I'll add it..

I do not have a theme to my page.. Just that it's entertaining.  So you will see different types of backgrounds, music, all that sort of stuff..I like to experiment. *L* No I'm not a mad scientist..So don't forget to bookmark my page, and return as often as ya like, don't forget to hit reload, cause ya never know what I've done to my page next.  Also, PLEASE sign my guestbook. I would love to know who visits my page, so that I can get a better perspective on who is visiting and what sort of stuff to put in my page. *wink* if ya know what I mean..*L*

Now, on with the show!! Here are my links to several different pages that I have created. I hope that you enjoy them, and are inspired by them...

anistarslow.gif (2841 bytes)Panthress's Den Of Lifeanistarslow.gif (2841 bytes)

anistarslow.gif (2841 bytes)My Mother's Tributeanistarslow.gif (2841 bytes)

anistarslow.gif (2841 bytes)Big Catsanistarslow.gif (2841 bytes)

anistarslow.gif (2841 bytes)Xena Pageanistarslow.gif (2841 bytes)

anistarslow.gif (2841 bytes)Dragon Clananistarslow.gif (2841 bytes)

anistarslow.gif (2841 bytes)Linksanistarslow.gif (2841 bytes)

anistarslow.gif (2841 bytes)Artanistarslow.gif (2841 bytes)

This page was last updated June 28, 1999