凡占卜者必先净手,诚心焚香桌上,用钱五文在手内,于香烟上熏过,两手高 举望空一把,连摇数次,虔拜敬请南无大慈大悲救苦救难灵感观世音菩萨,翻 卦金童报卦,玉女虚空,过往一切神祗,今某年某月某日,弟子某姓某名,系 某省某府某县某乡某社人等,因为谋事犹疑未决,虔诚拜请于三十二课内占一 课,莫顺人情,莫顺鬼意,吉凶祸福,成败兴亡,报应分明,愿垂感应凡敬心 诚意无不验也。

Who ever asks for advice must at first clean his hands, with a whole heart he should then light the joss-stick on the table. In his hands with five units of money and to smoke them above the lighted joss-stick. He should hold upright both his hands with the joss-stick and look into the sky, shaking it several times and respectfully gives his worship, saying "the most kind and merciful goddess and Buddha who save the poor and the unfortunate, please give me advice. The innocent boy will turn the money coins while the innocent girl will tell the advice. To every god, now in certain year,certain month,certain day, your disciple with surname and name so and so, belong to so and so province,state,municipal,village and society, and feels worried and doubutful on certain affairs. I worship and ask for an advice from one of the 32 chapters. I will not follow the man nor the ghost. No matter is good, bad,disaster or fortune, no matter is success, failure, progress or end,reward and punishment should be distinct. I wish that with a faithful and sincere heart, all the advice will become true."


第一星震卦上上--Excellent 第二从革卦上平--Good
第三曲直卦下平--Quite bad 第四润下卦小平--Not so good
第五炎上卦下下--Extremely bad 第六稼穑卦平平--Fair
第七进求卦上上--Excellent fortune 第八进保卦上吉--Very good fortune
第九获安卦中吉--Fine fortune 第十遂心卦中吉--Fine fortune
第十一灾散卦大吉--Great fortune 第十二上进卦上平--Good
第十三暗昧卦下凶--Disastrous 第十四安静卦下中--Bad
第十五阻折卦下凶--Disastrous 第十六保安卦中吉--Fine fortune
第十七喜至卦中吉--Fine fortune 第十八保全卦中平--Fairly good
第十九犹豫卦下下--Extremely bad 第二十丰稔卦中吉--Fine fortune
第二十一得禄卦吉--Fortune 第二十二明显卦吉--Fortune
第二十三福禄卦吉--Fortune 第二十四凝滞卦下--Very bad
第二十五显达卦吉--Fortune 第二十六福厚卦吉--Fortune
第二十七太平卦吉--Fortune 第二十八颠险卦凶--Ill-omened
第二十九开发卦平--Not so good 第三十鹰扬卦吉--Fortune
第三十一后吉卦平--Not so good 第三十二无数卦凶--Ill-omened

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Andy Zhang--Changsha,Hunan,P.R.China