The Battle Begins...Goku Where Are You?

Warning: This episode is very funny!

People are cleaning up and examining the area where the Saiyans landed. Yacherobi looks at the pods and says: "Oh man. The Saiyans are here." He gets into an argument with the dog-like inspector about whether or not the pods are from space. A reporter draws him aside and asks him for an interview. Others come and ask too. They get into a big argument. Yacherobi interupts, and says he wants food. They give him lots of money.

Commercial break

Gohan and Piccolo are talking about the fight. Crillan comes and joins them. Back to Yacherobi. He points the reporters in the direction of the Saiyans. Then he goes to lunch. Back to Gohan. Him and Crillan are talking. Then the Saiyans show up. Vegita and Nappa talk to Piccolo. They tell him he's from Namec. He's shocked at first, but he know's it's true. Cut to Popo and Kame. Kame talks about the origin of the Dragon Balls. Cut to the Saiyans. They mesure the power levels of Piccolo (14000), Gohan (1000), and Crillan (11000). Then they take their scouters off. Nappa plants 6 seeds. They're the seeds for 6 Saibamen. Basically 6 little green men from space. The Saibamen wreak havoc on the battle site. Then, each of the Earth people take on 2 aliens. Tien and Chow-su show up. Funny dialogue! Then, Yamcha comes too! Wow! 6 good guys vs. 6 little green men! Each of the Earth people takes on 1 monster. Tien goes first. Cut to Yacherobi. People are interviewing him while he pigs out majorly. End episode.

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