Responses to September poll question: Did you read GWTW, see the movie, or both?
GWTWgal's response: I've read the book twice, and seen the movie over ten times.
You all's responses:
-I saw the movie when I was 13. I'm STILL reading the book. It's soo much more detailed than the movie.
-I read GWTW and saw the movie about 3 times.
-I read the book and saw the movie.
-I have read the book 10 times and have seen the movie more times than I can count.
-I have done both. I have read the book 8 times and seen the movie I don't know how many times. The book was first, though.
-I saw the movie first (when I was little) then read the book in high school. So I have done both.
Thanks for responding to the poll question, and be sure to send in your responses for the October poll, as well!
Back to the Poll page.