Hi! I'm a world citizen who'd like to show the world this page about me, my family, my friends, and my interests.
A little about my background: I'm 31 and I finished my B.A. in Scandinavian, German and French at this university in 1998. I then studied for a M.A. in education at TU in 1999 to become a French and German teacher. Here's my resume. I continued my studies in Quebec at Laval in linguistics in 2000-1. Now I'm teaching at Aurora Public Schools.
For work experience, most summers I work as a tour guide in Tromsø . My interests are music, travelling and foreign languages like French and German, as well as movies. My page is also in French and German.
My favourite artists are Céline Dion , Enya , Tori Amos , Peter Cetera , Bel Cantoand Morrissey.

To find out where I come from, click here.

I've also lived some in France. During 96-97, I worked a month in this ski resort. Further down, you can see pics of my travels. I also lived 2 school years in the Norwegian city of Bergen .

This is my family's cat, Woodstock.

My favourite tv shows are Star Trek: The Next Generation and Voyager, et Friends , Frasier and Will & Grace.

1.Me in my "bunad", traditional Norwegian folk costume.
2.My good friend Rune (who lives in Paris). Click here to see his page and more pics of him.

4.Me at age 4.
Click here to see more pics of friends and family.

I've scanned "all" my photo albums. Here are pics from different trips:h2>

FRANCE ('96-00)
2.Étretat in Normandy (pretty place!)
3. and4.The city of Annecy at the foot of the Alps.
5. "The sea of ice" near Chamonix
6.Chambéry 7.Aix-les-Bains
8.Chamonix again, Nice and Cannes.
9.Cannes 10.Monaco 11. Nice 12. Grenôble
13.Grenôble again and Provence
14.The village of Cadenet in Provence
15.The national park of Luberton in Provence.
16., 17., 18. and 19. Lyon
20. New Year's 2000 in Paris, diner with friends and midnight under the Arc de Triomphe.
21.Pics of Paris during New Year's 2000, the Champs-Elysees and the area near Pont Neuf.

ITALY (March '97, March '98)
23., 24. and 25.Pics of Genova in Italy that I visited in March 98.


AUSTRIA (August '96)
27. Salzburg
28. Vienna

CHECH REPUBLIC(August '96) 29. and 30.Prague

31.Landscape during my trip through Finland in August `99.

USA's SOUTHWEST- April '00
32. and 33. New Mexico
34., 35., 36., 37., and 38. Petrified Forest in Arizona
39., 40., 41., 42., 43., 44., and 45. the Grand Canyon in Arizona.

46., 47. , and 48. Here are pics of Québec city, where I lived 2000-2002
49. Winter Québec.

POLAND 02-01
50. Here from my trip to Szcecim where my friend lived.

This is me after having scanned all the pics!

**I have 4 web pages: PICS of places I've lived,the actor MATTHEW MCCONAUGHEY ,

the film "AMISTAD" , and a journal about my trip to New Zealand, Australia and French Polynesia summer 2000.**

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