Submit Your Own Story
TITLE: Your story must include a Title, or it won't me archived.
Rating: G, PG, PG-13, AA, R, X, XXX.(If you're not sure what your story should be rated as, check the ratings section.)
Spoilers: in this part you should tell whether your story occurs before or after "The Split". Or if your story is from "Spiceworld" the movie.
Keywords: here you should identify the main charater in the story and who they bond with and what they do. (ie. say my story is about Geri and Emma taking a walk in the park and kissing afterwards, then I would put : Geri/Emma romance.)
Summary: You probably know what this section is for. Give a short description of your story not revealing "too" much. Try to write it so the reader is curious and allured into reading it.
When I'm Done All This, where Do I Send My Story???