More About Simpsons Galore

The Simpsons Galore Team

Twirl-Manager of Simpsons Galore
Simpsons Galore Founder

Manage Simpsons Galore website
Manage E-mail
Manage cartoon files
Manage Simpsons webrings
Website Advertiser
News reporter
Make Simpson cartoons

Postwomen-Managing Director
Website promoter
Website Supervisor
Make Simpsons cartoons

Asperi-Production Manager
Website Designer
Website Adviser
Make Simpson cartoons

Thunderlips-Co Editor
Website Editor
Simpsons cartoon script writer
Make Simpson cartoons

Can of Whoop Ass-Picture Boy and Cartoon Editor Jobs-
Simpsons picture management
Cartoon reviewer
Make Simpson cartoons

The Pebble-Specialist Netsurfer
File storager on floppy disc
Surfs the net for Simpsons resources

Samstone-Corporate Director
Records Simpsons cartoons weekly
Surfs the net for Simpsons resources

Stonehot-Statiscal Analyzer
Simpsons Galore statistical informer
Surfs the net for Simpsons resources

Simpsons Galore Website opened up on 20/1/99.
This is a website dedicated to the Simpsons for Simpsons fans.
Here at Simpsons Galore, we've put together an all rounder Simpsons site. We've worked hard to make our site original, different and special. 
We've got desktop downloads, sounds, pictures, and listings. These are the basics of any Simpsons website.
Then we've got somethings special for those keen Simpsons fans.
Simpsons Cartoon Studio cartoons, an Animation Theater, a forum,
a chatroom, our own webring and Simpsons games.
After all our hard work put into place, we have become successful.
With everything according to plan accomplished, Simpsons Galore after nearly a year is finally complete. Now we need your support to carry on with this site and yet further distinguish Simpsons Galore far and wide on the internet, so Click Here to support us.
The whole Galore team would like to thank Matt Groening for creating the the Simpsons. And the Simpsons, is our reason for creating our website:~ Simpsons Galore.

~The Simpsons Galore Team

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