Heyyyy guysss!!! We still got enough summer left to go crazy... yay!  Geeze SENIORS... can yall believe it? We gotta make this summer really memorable guys because some of us won't be here next year. Good luck to all the graduated seniors! And to all the rest of my friends that ain't attending school... SHAME ON YOU. hahah jk. I got love for yall too! And for the ones up there... in heaven love you too.
Anyways... Thanks for peepin' the page... Sign the guest book while your here I need some new summer entries... Bye bye guys... ~Dawnieee
(U can sign it more than once!)
The last time I gave a shizz about this page was....
August 19, 2002
Heres a new page you can look at... Its not much yet. Just some stuff to read...
Heres the links to each individual pics page... ------------>
Katie's Page! Click the pic!
Click the fire to go to the BLACK and FIRE tag teams official page!
Click on the cow print to go to the moo cow tag teams official page!
You said you wanted Hot guys... Heres some pics for ya... CLICK HERE
Here's my junior year Tolo Pic.... 
All my Junior friends... I love you guys, keep it real and we will chill this summer and next years gonna be hard so make this summer something you will always remember... GO CRAZY!!!
LINKS!!! (To other cool pages)
Gotta Love them hot cowboys... :-)
KTK 4 eva...
b (i luv u like a brotha hehe), amanda (remember... ur the bestest from wu-ville), hol ("do it again, do it again" hehe), cleo (dude you need a new nick name fo sho), Tiny (my bro for life, you know this. i love you), lil megs (your movin' on up... yay! hehe ), car (twins till the end  huh?), staceee (braid it up like a sista u got black in u huh?  haha), d to the easy (lol yes, kept the name), C~cup (I dunno about this girl), and the K-town Midgeets (you guys need to be careful with that nut ball game) Peace ~Angel~
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