About Me
Hi, my name is Brandon. Right now I am 14 years old. I was born March 21st, 1985 in Kirkland, WA. Now I live in Bellevue, WA and am going into high school as a freshman next year.

I have had this site for about one year.

In my life, I had played so many sports. I've played baseball, basketball, soccer, swimming, water polo, tennis, and gymnastics. Swimming is definitely my favorite. I got third in State when I was 11 in the 100 Yard Breaststroke, and 6th in the 50 Yard Breaststroke. In the last two years I've gotten 3rd in the 50 Breastroke, 6th in the 100 IM, 4th in the 50 Breaststroke and 8th in the 100 IM. I used to swim year round, but when I went into middle school I quit. My baseball career has been a pretty good one too. My team has won the city chamionship two years and got first in the league two years. My brother is the real baseball player. His All-Star Team almost made it to the Little League World Series last year and are trying again this year.

Now I'll introduce you to my friends (in no particular order):
Tyler- My best friend, we do band and drama together and we go to each others' swim meets.
Rosalie- She has the coolest room I have ever seen. She has magazine clippings covering all of her walls, desk and doors.
Rocky (Raquel)- She is going to be an All-American Track star this year when she goes to Nationals. She's always happy, and thought she should have gotten the 8th Grade Award for "Random!"
Keren- She's a swimmer too! She's better than me in some events (most of them) and I'm better than her in some! She likes green dots too.
Emily & Maki- When these to girls are together, I always laugh so hard. They get in the pretend fights and make fun of each others' faults and it's hillarious! They're both really funny and friendly.
E.J.- I got to know him through soccer and baseball. He gets really mad at me when I call him his real name: Elliot John _________ the 3rd. (no last names)
Ben- He's pretty funny most of the time, but after a while he gets old. His brother is absoulutely hillarious though! He's an actor too.

Well, I believe you now know enough about me, so why don't you
go back home?