Yoda image. Welcome to my Star Wars Museum page. Storm trooper. (Larger than life, eh?)

Page established on: 1/1/2000.

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Take me to the pictures

This web site is full of pictures about kinds of Star Wars props, ships, costumes and such.
Feel free to browse at your leisure through the collection of pictures.
But, be prepared to grab a cup of your favorite brew if you intend on viewing all the pictures, as there are almost 100 to click through, and it could take quite some time to view them all in full size.

But, don't worry. This isn't a so-called "Page from Hell". You will be able to access and choose from our library of thumb nails. We have two different selection menus. One consisting of 100 pixel tall images (split into 8 pages (Image quality is usually OK at this height)) and a complete collection page consisting of 40 pixel tall images. (The quality is poor, but load time is quick)

To my knowledge, all images used on this web site can be found no where else on the net...since, I had just captured them with a digital camera in late December. I was waiting to visit because the museum which hosted the exhibits was only staying for a few months, and is now closed and in the progress of de-construction. Whether or not the exhibits will be placed on display somewhere else, I do not know.

You can click on any of these thumb nail images to bring up a full sized picture.

R2D2, as a bookend.

Click on one of the following links to view the pictures.

C3PO, as a bookend.
Page one. Page two. Page three. Page four. Page five. Page six. Page seven. Page eight.
Click here to view the low-res 40 pixel pictures.
Click here to check out my photos from the 2004 Furry convention, CaliFur.

Click here to go to the official Star Wars web site.

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Page last refreshed on August 13, 2005, in order to comply with GC's little "update this page" deal.