1. Award for always being there goes to...
Amy Steinman
2. Award for most comedy being able to fit into one day goes to...
Greg Mendelson
3. Award for having the nicest crimped hair goes to...
Sara Wexler
4. Award for living farthest away from everybody else does to...
Samara Leibner
5. Award for really trying hard to be cool, but just can't be goes to...
Terri Simms (my Mom)
6. Award for being able to fix things goes to...
Maury Simms (my Dad)
7. Award for being very helpful goes to...
Matthew Wright
8. Award for being really bitchy and stupid and annoying goes to...
Britney Spears
9. Award for being most prejudiced goes to...
Fehr Marouf
10. Award for being really mean and nice goes to...
Laura Lee
11. Award for being the biggest bum goes to...
Jeremy Shaki
12. Award for being most attentive animal lover goes to...
Dalia Guy
13. Award for trying hardest to speak multiple languages goes to...
Blanca Garcia
14. Award for having multiple personalities goes to...
Cecily Dover
15. Award for having the funniest "Ahhhhhhhhh" goes to...
Erin Montour