Sangeetha Shekar
1210, 44th Cross, 1st Stage
Kumaraswamy Layout, Bangalore, India.
Phone: 080 – 26660471(R) 9964351530(M)
Seeking a Challenging position to contribute my technical experience and background for the growth and development of the organization and self.
<Skill sets>
Operating Systems : Windows – XP, NT, 98, Unix, MS-DOS 6.22
Appn. Packages : Microsoft Internet Explorer 6, Netscape Communicator, Office 2000, XP, WordStar, AutoCAD, CorelDraw11, Photoshop 7, ProDesktop, PaintShop Pro, Animation Shop, Lotus123, Neo Planet, Visio Express
RDBMS : Oracle8i, MS-Access, Dbase
Prog. Languages : Java, C, C++, Unix Scripting, Fortran-77, Pascal, MS-COBOL 74(ver 2.2), QBasic
Web Server : JavaWebServer2.0
Internet Technologies : Java(JDK 1.3), Java Bean, Servlets, JDBC, JSP and EJB
Middleware Technologies : RMI
Concepts : Structured System Analysis and Design (SSAD), INTERNET, HTML Programming, JavaScript, WebSite Designing, Knowledge of networking standards & OSI reference model
<Work Experience>
Currently Working as an MCA Lecturer in RICM
(Regional Institute of Co-operative Management, Bangalore)
Lecturer(Jul 2006 – Sep 2007)
S.R.N.Adarsh College, Bangalore
Lecturer(Jul 2003 – Apr 2005)
Bangalore Institute of Fashion Technology, Bangalore
Teaching Computer Science subjects for BSc and Diploma students
Conducting practical classes for all the students
Teaching animation packages like PRO Desktop, AutoCAD, Corel Draw, Photoshop
Preparing question papers for Diploma students and participating in evaluating the answer scripts
Participating in assessing the BSc grade students while conducting class tests, mid-term exams etc.
Installation of the application products when needed in the laboratory PC
Teaching Faculty (Aug 2000 – September 2001)
Vivekananda Institute of Vocational Education, Bangalore
Teaching basic packages of computers like MS Office, Windows Games etc to the middle and high school students
Conducting practical classes for all the students
<Projects Completed>
Mega Messenger – Chat application for Intranet
Company : SHILPA SECURITIES, Bangalore
Process : Mega Messenger provides simple messaging and chatting to the user and makes it easy to share information and files within the network. Authorized user can view online friends, view and edit the user profile.
Role : Analyzing, Designing, Programming, Documentation, Implementation and Maintenance
Front End : Java
Back End : Oracle
Duration : 6 Months
Status : Project completed and Implemented successfully
Stores Accounting System
Process : The stores accounting system is a package that will make accessing items and transaction details in a stores easier and more efficiently generate reports that cover the entire gamut of Stores Accounting operations.
Language : MS-Access
Duration : 1 Month
Status : Project completed and Implemented successfully
Computerization of Share Broker Office
Company : SHILPA SECURITIES, Bangalore
Process : The company deals with share trading and brokerage. There were lot of contracts between the clients and the broker. This package helps the broker to manage accounts and contracts of the clients single handedly. The highlights of the package are user – friendly, colored menus, on- line help, security – choices, backup and recovery procedures.
Role : Analyzing, Designing, Programming, Documentation, Implementation and Maintenance
Language : MS COBOL 74(Ver. 2.2)
Duration : 6 Months
Status : Project completed and Implemented successfully
Computerizing the Inventory System
Language : MS COBOL 74(Ver. 2.2)
Duration : 1 Months
Status : Project completed successfully
<Technical Qualifications>
Certification in ProDesktop 3D Animation from ITC infotech
Advanced certificate in PC Applications from NIIT with an aggregate of 78.7%
Proficiency in communication and Personality Development from NIS with an aggregate of 89%
One year Honors Diploma in Database Management System from COMPNIK with an aggregate of 81%.