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WANTED: New Neighbors

If you live in or near Maiden, North Carolina, and you want a neighbor who is quiet, polite, and respectful, write me. I do not stay out all hours of the night, nor do I make a lot of noise diring the day (helpful if you work third shift). I do not have yappy dogs, and while I have a child, she is rarely at the house, and quiet when she is here. I do not slam doors, or sit outside and honk my horn (or blare my car stereo). You will rarely hear a peep out of me. I am the perfect neighbor.

If I sound like the kind of neighbor you'd want to have, write me by the middle of the month, so that I can let my current landlord know I'm leaving. My rent should be under $500/month if all possible, preferably with two bedrooms.
Collect Raccoons, have a lot of other little odds and ends. I am currently divorced, one child.
I have a sister living in Newton, North Carolina. My daughter lives in Tennessee.