"he has worn both his manifest intelligence and preposterous
    name with fine, ironical style; one always wanted to see and
    hear more from him." -richard j. jameson
                                                                                                "charismatic and uniquely talented, thornton has established
                                                                                                himself as one of the ost sought after flimmaker of his
                                                                                                generation." -offical armageddon site.
    "billy bob does the human experiance with out going to the
    moon or on a space journey." -harvey weinstein

a billy bob universe

    "...is establishing himself as a filmmaker with a distinctive,
    powerful voice." -mark caro
                                                                                                        "extremely charming." -miramax publicist

                   "most actors play one or two genuinely memorable charaters, some actors  are genuinely memorable
                    charaters, and the occasional true original qualifies in both catargories; such a one is arkansas native
                    billy bob thornton." -celeb site
