Battle #5: Revenge
Player Name: Adam(yeah, again...) [5-0]

LANCE: Welcome to the Pokemon League!
AGATHA: Congrats!

Well, I never would have made it here without the help of a very special person in my life...the driver of that Hummer in Battle #4.
No, you were no help.  So, Lance, what's the prize for getting into this league?  Kitchen set?
LANCE: Even better!  Behind that door is the most powerful Pokemon ever, Mewtwo!
BRUNO: We captured him with a big stuffed Mewtwo doll in a dress. It was my idea!

That's very creepy.  A Mewtwo in heat, yuck.
LORELEI: You're telling me!  It got really friendly with my leg on the ride back.
On secong thought, maybe having this Mewtwo isn't such a good idea.
LANCE: No, it'll be fine.  We had him spayed.
Can we change the topic before I loose my lunch, please?
LANCE: Hey, you're the boss.
BRUNO: I thought you were the boss, Lance.
LANCE: Shut up, Bruno!

Look, I'd love to stay here and chat, but...oh, who am I kidding?  I want to get as far away from you four as possible.  Goodbye!
ADAM and PIKACHU stepped through the DOOR!
It sure is dark in here.  I can't see a thing.
ADAM REALIZED he is scared of the dark!

Pikachu, go scout ahead and find this Mewtwo charecter.
PIKACHU is reluctant!
I don't care if the room reeks of supernatural evil, just get in there and find that Mewtwo!
PIKACHU scampered away!
Heh!  That scamp!
PIKACHU fainted!
Oh no.
????: So it's light you want, eh?  Allow me to accomadate you!
Who---who's there?
What? DARK is evolving!
DARK evolved into LIGHT!
PROF. OAK appeared!

You??  What are you doing here?
OAK: I told you I would have revenge, Adam.
Ha!  I defeated you once with ease, and I