Crimson Ranking System

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The Crimson Ranking System is a 35 point system through which PokeBattles Network sites are ranked.  It is designed to be fair toward all sites.  The two main categorys of review for each Netowork site are Battle Quality and Updates.  Site deisgn is not covered in this ranking system, because I don't feel that it is an important area to judge a PokeBattles website on.  The Network poll that is taken in Yellow Version has no bearing on a site's score in this system.  This is not a popularity contest.  Half-points can be earned in any category of site review.

Ranking Sections:

Battle Quality(Max points=25):
Obviously, this section of review measures the quality of a site's battle.  If the site is geared toward humor, then the categorys of this section will judge how funny the batles are.  If the battles take a more serious note, than this category will measure the expertise of writing more serious situations.  Oh, and when I say "battles," I mean all of the writing on the website, including fanfics, tournaments, and whatever else anyone comes up with.
Weekly Quality(Max points= 10):
The first category in Battle Quality measures the quality of all the material posted on that site for the current week.

Consistancy(Max points= 10):
The next Battle Quality category reviews the average quality of a site's archived battles. 

Originality(Max points= 5):
The last category reviews how much of the content on the site took some creative effort.

Updates(Max points= 10):
The second section is less important than Battle Quality, but is still essential for a good PokeBattles site to be great.  This category effectively ranks how much effort the individual webmasters put into writing their battles, by measuring the amount of material in each update and measuring how often the site is updated.
Size(Max points= 5):
The Size category measures how many battles or other forms of literature are posted on a site for the current week.  Long pieces of work, such as fanfics, tournaments, or especially long battles, will be rated higher than a normal battle.

Consistancy(Max points= 5):

Not to be confused with the consistancy category in the Battle Quality section, the Updates Consistancy category measures how often a site is updated over long lengths of time.

Point Breakdown by Category:

Updates(Max points= 10)
Size(Max points= 5):
   0- No previous battles
    1- Equivalent of 1 battle
    2- Equivalent of 2 battles
    3- Equivalent of 3 battles
    4- Equivalent of 4 battles
    5- Equivalent of 5+ battles

Consistancy(Max points= 5):
   0- No previous updates
   1- 1 battle per 3 weeks
    2- 1 battle per 2 week
    3- 1 battles per 1 week
    4- 1 battle per 4 days
    5- 1 battle per 1 day

Battle Quality(Max points= 25):
Weekly Quality(Max points= 10):
   0- No battles for the current week
    1- Terrible
    2- Very Bad
    4- Bad
    4- Poor
    5- Below Average
    6- Mediocre
    7- Fairly Good
    8- Good
    9- Excellent
    10- Really, Unbelievably Good

Consistancy(Max points= 10):
0- No archived battles
    1- Terrible
    2- Very Bad
    3- Bad
    4- Poor
    5- Average
    6- Mediocre
    7- Fairly Good
    8- Good
    9- Excellent
    10- Really, Unbelievably Good

Originality(Max points= 5):
    0- No battles on site
    1- Everything on site is unoriginal
    2- Small amount of material is original
    3- Half of all material is original
    4- Most of material is original
    5- All or almost all of material is original