Likes and Dislikes

In most movies there's always a certain scene or character that will stick in your mind for days, weeks, even months at a time! But even in the best movies there's always some things that shouldn't have even been thought of! Read what I liked and didn't like about The Faculty

What I Liked:

The character, Stokely

They picked Clea Duvall to play Stokely

The way the acter's emphasize swear words (Ms Berk's conversation with Zeke, Stokley's "get a fucking eye dog", Zeke's "fuck this shit", etc)

The fact that they featured a Garbage song in the film

Usher wasn't in it that much

Josh Hartnett did such a good job as Zeke

The scene where they're in Zeke's basement

The use of the word 'tweak'

Casey's laughing fit after he takes some "scat"

The gorry scenes

What I Didn't Like:

The thing I hated most about this movie was how Stokely wasn't gothic at the end. Whoever thought of that should be feathered and tarred!

That Usher was actually in the movie - even though he wasn't in it that much

Some of the lines the acters had to say were just plain stupid ("Isn't this is the point where someone says "let's get the fuck outta here"?)

Deliah was such a bitch to Stokely about sexuallity

Is it just me or is Marybeth irritating after awhile?

They did a remake of that "we dont need no education" song instead of using the origional Pink Floyd version

They only played 2 seconds of one of Garbage's songs

The whole alien thing at the end. Stttuuupppiiiddd...

All the attention Josh Hartnett got just because of his looks instead of his incredible acting ability - Personally I don't think he's all that and a bag of chips.