Please do not use these sounds for your own page. Do not ask me if you can use these sounds because my answer is no. If I find out that you have stolen these sounds the results won't be pretty.

Marybeth talks to Stokely at table, Delilah interrupts
Stokely runs into Stan and says "Get a fucking eye dog!"
Zeke trys to do business from his car to Mrs Berk
Casey's parents search his room for drugs
Ms Berk gives Zeke a piece of her mind
Stokely and Stan talk about football
Casey and Stokely discuss aliens in the library
The students gather in Zeke's lab
Stan pleads with the others to let him back in the gym
Who is the alien? Marybeth or Stokely
Marybeth tells about her species

Some of the sounds are kind of fuzzy but I can't help it so it will have to do. I will add more sounds to the library shortly. They are clips straight from the movie. They are Real Audio (.ra) files so if you don't have the Real Player get one at www.real.com.