This page is just a load of stuff which i think is kewl stuff, loadsa links to all the websites i use most often! Coz im sure you really give a fcuk!
These are the best sites for free text messenging, coz im always too tight fisted to put any credit on my phone ;)
This site gives you 10 free messeges a day,they are only 100 characters long! so that never lasts long!
Uboot gives you 50 free text messeges a month they are 160 characters long!
Boltblue gives you 30 free text messeges a month they are only 110 characters long.
My mate Ceris website
My mate Lees website
My mate Ceris Webpage, loadsa kewl links (shes the one who wrote my bio)
Lee Maitland the sex god: if your a horny laydee, click and my mate Lee will sort you out!
Great sites, loadsa kewl tests and other krap!
Nice pisstake of the news and religion ;)
If you want to play a funny joke on your mates, click here!
Here are my fave websites that get me thru a days college!
Nuff goddam said! i could have made this site myself! ;)
Self explanitory, but a kool site!
Good ol Kerrang! where i go to catch up on the latest music news
My mate bates' website
this website belongs to my dear friend MS emma bates, (Batseworth)she features briefly in my bio hehehe!