Hello! Thank you for dropping in to see my page and for taking the time to write in this guest book!

10/23/98 10:09:02
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Cindy - 09/28/98 14:44:10
My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Joanne Van Vranken - 09/17/98 21:20:51
My URL:http://hometown.aol.com/joannee101/gene.htm
My Email:rocketj66@aol.com
Favourite gene:: Creme de Cassis
favourite classic film:: "Loving You" - Elvis wears the BEST clothes in this movie!!!
Fovourite screen diva:: This box isn't big enough! LOL
favourite screen god:: Gary Cooper

Love your site - especially the kitty! I'm a newbie Gene collector and I'm really excited to see everyone's sites!

Fil Graham - 06/26/98 06:25:51
My URL:none yet !!!
My Email:earlfil@aol.com
Favourite gene:: On the Ave
Favourite Jenny:: ---
Favourite Diana picture:: diana in the pink suit
favourite classic film:: Sabrina
Fovourite screen diva:: Audrey Hepburn
favourite screen god:: Robert Mitchum

I've enjoyed looking at your pages. I'm glad to be able to talk to a fellow Aussie and share my Gene's. I'm sooo glad that Gene mania has it Australia. I love the Era gene represents and that she can be anyone of any era being an acctress.

Leslie - 04/07/98 05:07:02
My Email:sharps7@airmail.net
Favourite gene:: Daughter of the Nile
Favourite Diana picture:: one one the C.D. cover
favourite classic film:: Bringing Up Baby
Fovourite screen diva:: Gene Marshall
favourite screen god:: Cary Grant

Hi! I love what you've done so far--the wallpaper is great! I know this isn't a classified section, but I'm hoping that one of your readers will have a MIDNIGHT ROMANCE that they will sell to me for $125. If so, please e-mail me at sharps7@airmail.net. Thank you!

Laurie Anderson - 12/05/97 03:58:11
My Email:landerso@mica.edu
Favourite gene:: Monaco?
favourite classic film:: GWTW, etc., etc.
Fovourite screen diva:: Lucille Ball?!
favourite screen god:: Cary Grant

Hi, Jo - I was just surfing the Gene ring and found you. I didn't know you had a web site! It looks great.

angie - 10/31/97 07:54:10
My Email:g.fraser@unsw.edu.au
Favourite gene:: the daughter one
Favourite Jenny:: gosh they're all so cute
Favourite Diana picture:: the black strapless number in B&W
Fovourite screen diva:: gene kelly

hi there you hosey jo!!! ange here - LOVE your web site and I adore the little flowers & butterflies in between the sections. and the baci reference and moving cat playing is tres' cute!! anyways, great job (you were right - very girly) and we'll catch up soon!! ange

Meganh - 10/02/97 06:07:37
My URL:http://www.geocities/SoHo/Gallery/1856
My Email:meganhitchens@geocities.com
Favourite gene:: None
Favourite Jenny:: Bondage Jenny
Favourite Diana picture:: None
favourite classic film:: Arsenic & Love/Laura
Fovourite screen diva:: Louise Brooks
favourite screen god:: Rutger Hauer

Hi Jo, Hope this works. Nice site.

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