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There are times when a man has to do all that he can just to be the best he can be..... and there are times when he make mistakes..... don't let these things affect you, or cripple you..... Because take it from me, these will be the lessons you take..... learn from them, and learn well..... each experience has got something to teach us, no matter how young or old you may be.

I'm not saying I know everything I need to know... heck, I'm still on the same road...but this I believe in.... I may not be much, But with each passing day of my life, I will strive... to be a better man.... a kinder and more gentle person.... to be worthy of being here.

And I know someday, I will see all my dreams unfold right before my very eyes... and find all the beauty there is to be found in this world.... and I will find it, in the arms of the woman I love.

After all is said and done only "The Big Guy" in heaven knows what really is in store for me...So I'll take one day at a time, and keep on striving to be happy....There's nothing wrong with dreaming anyway is there?

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