Meet Gen 13!!!
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Gen 13 is a
another of the many quality comic books that Image puts out
The basic story
of Gen 13 is that the government has taken members of society and injected
various dna enhancing drugs into their system. The Governments hope
is that these people will become S.P.B's (super powered beings) and
they will work for the Government.
This particular
Gen 13 comic book deals with the 13th Generation of the S.P.B's and how
they deal with their Gen-Factors.
The characters
are running from the Government and other unmentionables who wish to control
Gen 13.
The Gen 13
cast is as follows:
Fairchild: the current leader of Gen 13. She was once a mild-mannered
college student until her Gen-Factor kicked in and transformed her into
an Amazon butt-kicking beauty!
Spaulding: the wildchild of the group. From smoking to tattoes
to all-night raves, she is definitley the comic reflief of the group!
Rainmaker: the self-confirmed lesbian. But every other issue
she seems like she is hot and heavy about some guy. So who knows?
aka, (or is it the other way around) anyway his proper name is always
changing, but he always keeps the name "Grunge" so we'll keep it too.
This is the party animal, a 5'2'' 200 lb. brick, this guy slams into his
opponents hard & can absorb any matter that he touches... and lately
he seems to be touching Roxy!!!
the burnout, Lane, Lynch, whichever...: And I thought Rainmaker had
an identity crisis. Bobby is the somewhat normal guy of the group.
You don't really notice him until he flies by you and lights your hair
on hey, kinda like me!!!
This the main
cast, but there is plenty more characters in this comic book... from the
dads of most of the group to the bad guys and even a robot maid named Anna
Plus in upcoming
issues there is going to be a major change in the Gen-13 group with new
members coming aboard and possible old ones leaving... I think I hear the
word SPIN-OFF...
GEN 13
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