daRizenSon - 08/25/00 17:26:06
My URL:http://www.carriersofthecross.com
My Email:darizenson@carriersofthecross.com
Favorite Scripture: Matthew 10:38
Favorite Website: www.OM95.com
Favorite Type of Music: Rap
Favorite Song: Site of Revelation
How has the Lord helped you today?: We have to quit HIP HOP to do rap ministry.
How can Delta Sin help you (or do better)?: Prayer!
God bless... ya. Keep working for the Lord.
Check out our websites Carriers of the Cross at http://www.carriersofthecross.com.
Thank you
MC-Truth - 04/20/00 17:18:31
My Email:deltasin@hotmail.com
Favorite Scripture: I Corinthians 12:9-10
Favorite Website: Ours
Favorite Type of Music: Christian Rap
Favorite Song: Stay True
How has the Lord helped you today?: giving me good friends and family
How can Delta Sin help you (or do better)?: not sure