Part 1 of David's Girl
Feeling Something
Part One of David's Girl
A Newsies FanFic Story
Written by "Eponine"

I walked up to the Newsboy's Lodging House and sat on the steps, waiting for Jack. It was my day off of work and Jack wanted me to meet his friend David. Jack. It was hard for me to believe he was interested in me. I mean, when Denton introduced us, we were friends. But one day, Jack told me he wanted to be more than friends. I still don't understand what he sees in me. I don't think I'm that pretty, though Jack and the other Newsies tell me I am. I have light brown wavey hair, rosey cheeks, and blue eyes. I think I like my eyes the best. I'm not ugly, I know that, but I don't think I'm as pretty as Sarah, Jack's ex-girlfriend. That's one thing that I regret Jack liking me. Sarah. They were really a cute couple. And I came in. I think Sarah hates me, but I am not sure. I feel sorry for her because I stole Jack. I didn't mean to, though. I really didn't. I must admit, I am nervous about meeting David. Sarah is David's sister, and they're close. Who knows what he thinks of me... There is one other thing bothering me. I love Jack, I really do. But I'm not sure I want to make a long-time commitment with him. I think he might be expecting that. And I don't want to crush him at all. I really love him, but I've had my doubts about staying his girlfriend. He's just not my type. He's just so daring. I don't know, I'm a little confused... My thoughts were interupted by Racetrack opening the door and stepping outside -- almost stepping on me! "Hey, Rachel," Racetrack said. He put his arm around my waist and gave me a little kiss on the cheek. All the Newsies did things like that. But we were only friends, everyone knew that. No one would dare to take me -- Jack's girl. "Hey, Racetrack. Will Jack be out soon?" "Yea, I think he's shavin'. So where's he takin' you t'day?" Race asked me. "I think to meet David." I replied. "You haven't met him yet? You'll like him. He's smart, like youse are." "Thanks." I said. "Hey, Race! Youse tryin' to steal me girl?" Jack clammered out the door and slapped Racetrack on the back gently. "Awe, I knew you'd finds out me secret!" Race joked. Jack pulled me close and gently kissed me on the lips when Racetrack left. "You ready to meet me pal Davey?" "Yes, but...Jack, do you think he'll hate me? Because I came between you and Sarah?" I asked uncertainly. "Nah, Davey's not like that." "You sure?" He laughed as he picked me up and twirled me around. "I'm sure! There's nuthin' to worry 'bout. Davey's a good man." "I hope you're right..." I said under my breath. We walked a ways before we got to the right building. Jack smiled and asked, "You wanna take the fire escape?" "Uh, I guess so,...but..." Jack didn't really wait for my reply, though. He took my hand and we bolted up the stairs. It was weird, but fun. I'd never entered anyone's home through the fire escape. When we got to the top, Jack knocked on the window. I think I saw Sarah peek through the curtains, but it might've been her little brother, Les. I'm not sure. A boy opened the window. "Well, Jack! What took you so long?" he asked. Jack just laughed and said, "Hey Davey. Well, here's me girl! Rachel, this is David. Anyway, what's for lunch, huh?" I looked at David. There was something about him...I don't know what...that intrigued me. "N..nice to meet you," I said softly. A little too softly. It didn't sound like me at all. "You too," David said and shook my hand. "Answering your question, Jack, we have some turkey left over from last night's dinner..." I took a deep breath. My heart was beating fast. I don't know why. All of a sudden, I felt like someone else. I felt like something inside of me flipped over. I had to sit down. I took a seat at the table, next to Jack. I was trying my hardest to act like myself. Like myself... Sarah tried to quickly dash out of the room, avoiding contact with me and Jack. I wanted to tell her I was sorry. I felt horrible. And I felt sort of sick right then...and I hadn't ate anything yet! "Hi Sarah!" Jack called out to her before she left. He said it like they were still nothing ever came between them. "Oh, hi Jack," she replied coldly. "Hello, Rachel." "Hi," I said it so soft that I barely heard myself. Sarah soon left the room, and conversation was easy between David and Jack. They just kept talking and talking. You could tell they were friends. But something was wrong with me. I felt sick inside. I felt weird inside. And yet, I felt like I found something. But what did I find??? I needed to leave. I needed to leave. "You wanna come wit us, Rach?" Jack asked me. I was startled. "What? I'm sorry, my thoughts were somewhere else...where are you going?" "T'night Medda told me she needed some help wit some stuff...I dunno, carryin' junk an' stuff like that...anyway, she's lettin' me bring in some friends to help her out. I'm sure you can come. Afterwards, me and da boys are gonna hold a card game..." Jack explained. "I guess I'll go...but I don't know about the game..." I said. "We'll figure out some way to get you home." Jack told me and smiled. Their conversation went on. I couldn't think though. I felt so funny inside. I felt so lost. So confused. I think I saw David look at me with concern a few times, but Jack didn't notice. I needed to get out of the house. David was making me feel really strange. "Jack!" I suddenly called out. Both David and Jack looked at me funny. "I'm sorry, it's just...I'm not feeling so you mind if I go home?" Every word I spoke was an effort. "Uh, you want me to walk you home?" Jack now was concerned. "No, I'm sure I can make it..." "I thinks I should bring you home, Rach, you look sick..." Jack stated. "No, thanks, I...I think I should go alone. I need to think," I insisted. "Well, okay, but..." "Are you going to be okay?" David asked. "Yes..." Jack leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. "Feel better." I got up and walked toward the door. I looked over at David, for he was facing my way. He gave me the most intense look. I thought I would melt right there. When I stepped outside, I thought something. Could it be I was falling in love with David?
This story is mine and may never be used without permission. I wrote this myself! Do Not Steal My Work!
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