Chris Reynolds
F. Christopher Reynolds teaches at Berea High School, Ashland University, and
is a singer/songwriter who has been working in Ohio most of his life.
During the last ten years, he has been working to restore adolescent rites of
passage to public secondary schools. His music is eclectic, but most often
addresses the deepening of adult life in the Great Lakes region. He refers to
his work as recovering the "Mind of Land" , or more poetically, "Harmonizing
the Mind of Place". He notes, "When the indigenous peoples were driven from
their lands, it's as if a connecting membrane between humanity and nature was
torn away. The circulation between Spirit and the Earth that gave a more
than financial value to the land was lost.
My work is about re-establishing that connecting membrane. That is, by
dreaming downward into the land and grounding our spirituality in awareness
of how Spirit manifests itself locally, in local divinities, ancestors,
sacred places, art, and ritual. That means realizing that spiritual
experience and health are intimately joined to where we live. "