The Final Journey

by Del_kaidin

"Why? You promised. You promised never to leave me." She stared at the litter, as if begging the small mound to rise and answer. "How? How am I suppose to go on? You .. you were the one - the only one who understood me, loved me, and had the patients to deal with me. You said you would wait in the hut, why didn't you." Tears fell unnoticed from clear blue eyes, she made no motion to stop their course down her cheeks. Turning away she continued walking slowly west. "We'll be there soon ... by sunset we should reach the village. Why did you make me promise to bring you here? I could have taken you home.... but maybe this is home. Xenon - Did you know Ephiny is worried about him? He's fallen for Solari's daughter. Ephiny is sure Solari won't agree to the couple but ... " Memories over took her, Delivering Xenon in the midst of that horrible war, Ephiny's crowning ceremony, Ephiny's voice as she sung a funeral dirge over the body's of two children. "When we get home, I'm going to have to put Argo out to pasture, she's getting too old to be carting us all over creation. Or maybe we could stay in the village, Ephiny would like that. What do you say?"

The sun sank lower on the horizon the day was ending, over the next rise drums could be heard and smoke could be seen. On the top of the rise stood three women and a centaur. It wasn't hard to figure out who they were, Ephiny, Solari, Xenon, and Melosa. A smile crossed the traveler's face at her two friends with their children. "We made it. How long has it been? 10 years. Xenon you've grown into quite the handsome young centaur, and Melosa you look lovely."

Ephiny and Solari exchanged quick glances at each other. The sparkle was gone from those blue eyes, she had aged 20 years from the last time they had seen her just two weeks ago. Ephiny realized that the woman was taking this turn of events hard. Nothing had prepared her for the final outcome, not the months of sickness and weakening - nothing. "Xenon, take Argo to the stables and ... " She couldn't say it. For some reason saying it was too painful, too final, too irrevocable.

"Yes mom." He took Argo's reigns from numb fingers and kissed the top of the traveler's head. Turning his mother saw the tears fall from his eyes. Melosa went with him, she knew him almost as well as his own mother and he would need her gentle comfort.

"Everything's ready... do you want to wash up before the ceremony?" the Amazon Queen asked.

"No. I'll just wait here if you don't mind, till you come for me."

"I'll wait with you. Go on Ephiny you have things that only you can do... I'll stay with her."

Hours passed and finally a horn rang out through the darkness. "It's time."

Nodding the traveler rose, squaring her shoulders she marched into the village with her head high. Then she saw it all - the pyre - the small body laying on it - the crowd surrounding it. Hercules, Ioalus, Autolycus, Rafe, Ulysses & Penelope, Pandora, Diana and Philemon, Meg, Joxer, Leah, Lilla and more, some who she didn't know. It was over, no longer could she hide it from herself. Xena crumpled to the ground harsh sobs wrenched from her soul filled the silence. No one moved. A small figure moved from Lilla's side toward the warrior princess. With her small hands the young child raised Xena's face, "It's ok Aunt Xena. Aunt Gabby doesn't hurt anymore. She's on the Elysian fields waiting for you. How would she feel if she saw you like this? Come on. Stand up. That's good. Now I'll stand right here beside you, OK?" Little Gabby held her Aunt's hand as the Amazon archers shot fire bolts into the pyre.

Slowly one by one, as the fire consumed the body, the crowd moved away. Finally only two figures watched as the fire continued to burn one tall and dark holding the hand of a seven year old child.

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