Labor Pains

by Del_kaidin

Part 1 Morning Sickness

Quietly she rose from the bedroll and walked to the pale horse standing sentinal. From the saddle bags she pulled a cloth and a hard biscuit. Taking the bota of water from the saddle horn she quietly made her way into the forest. Hopefully she would not wake her companion.

"Two more weeks and I should be through with this" she thought angrily as she wiped her mouth. "Damn Ares and Callisto and their 'FLING' using *my* body."

Her condition was going to soon become imposible for her to hide soon she would begin to show. How she had prayed that nothing would come of that incident. But her prayers were not answered she knew within a week of returning to her body that she would bear a child. She knew the Herbs that would rid her of it. She had spent several sleepless nights wondering if she should take them or carry the child to term. Finally her instincts had won. Now only two problems remained: how to tell Gabrielle and how to keep Ares from finding out.

"Xena?" came Gabrielle's voice from the darkness. "Are you alright?"

"Yes" she answered returning to the campsite.

Gabrielle sitting up on her bedroll watched as Xena took a small bite of the biscuit. It had become a daily occurance. Early in the morning Xena would awake and go off into the woods, returning eating a biscuit. The symptoms fell into place. "When are you due?"

"Six months. How did you know?"

"Because, Xena, you have been so wrapped up in your own concerns to notice, I'm going to have a baby too.... Well that's not exactly fair.... You were in Callisto's body for a while..."

Part 2 The Decision

They spent the day talking. Two expectant mothers sharing their hopes and fears for their
unborn children. Making plans on how best to deal with the two small lives about to be
thrust into theirs.

"With Solon, it wasn't a hard decision. I couldn't keep him and command an army. But

"I know now this is Ares child. It does make the decision harder. Xena, with your
knowledge of herbs why didn't you...." Gabrielle's voice trailed off.

"Why didn't I 'loose' the child?" At Gabrielle's nod she continued. "This child deserves a
chance. Look at Hercules... he and Ares are half brothers but nothing alike. And there is
Cupid... who is nothing like his father. I have to hope that this child will be more than
Ares or me.... or even Callisto. Besides it was the only choice I could live with."

"Oh... I didn't expect you to answer, but I'm glad you did. I thought for weeks after
Perdicus died that our love had died with him. Then the morning sickness started. You
were in Callisto's body at the time and I couldn't tell you. You know as horrible as that
was.... it felt wonderful to know that Callisto had not completely killed our love. This
child" Gabrielle placed her palm on her stomach, "is the proof of that love."

"hmmmm. Now We need to make a decision." Xena watched as Gabrielle's brows knitted
together showing her puzzlement, "Where are these children going to be born...... and

"Ohhh I had almost forgotten about that. But your right, as usual Xena, we can't go
fighting warlords and evil kings with two babies in our arms. I guess I was thinking of
having the baby in Poteidaia. With Mother, Lylia, and you to be with me when the time
came. But know with you expecting too.... I guess you will want to go to Amphipolis and
have your mother raise the child."

"Well I can't exactly ask my mother to raise the child of a god. Besides, it would be too
easy for someone to figure out that this child is mine. Gabrielle what about the

"I do have Terreis' right of cast.... but what if one or both are boys?"

"We deal with that when and if it happens. I can't think of a safer place for us to be while
we are carrying these two."

"So tomorrow we head for the Amazon's."

Xena nodded and began preparing to leave camp at dawn. A message would have to be
sent to Hercules and Iolaus and Gabrielle's parents as well as her mother letting them
know that the two of them would be out of commission for a while......but not why.

Part 3 - On The Road

Silently the blankets were rolled and placed on Argo. The two women went about their morning routines without the acknowledging the others presence. As the sun peeked over the horizon they left the campsite.

Silently they walked each lost in her own thoughts. The argument of the night before between them. Morning melted into afternoon.

Xena glanced at Gabrielle noticing the set of shoulders, the tilt of her chin. 'She's angry. Maybe I am being overly cautious. There is no reason she can't tell her family she is expecting a child. I'm the one with the child no one can know about.'

Gabrielle silently fumed. 'How can Xena FORBID me to tell my family I'm going to have a baby. How dare she compare..... How can I be so thoughtless. My child was conceived in love, hers... Ca... No don't even think their names. How can she bear it.'

"I'm sorry" the said at the same time.

"Xena I didn't think...."

"No Gabrielle I am the one who..."

"NO!! For once I'm not going to let you martyr yourself for me! Do you think for one minute I would let you go off alone. Knowing you have no one but me?" Gabrielle took Xena's face in her hands and forced the taller woman to look at her. "Xena... If you are going to carry your child in secret... I will too. If they are girls we will leave them with the Amazons, if they are boys then the Centaurs."

She watched as a single tear ran down the face of her friend.

"Thank you." Even to herself, Xena thought her voice sounded strange.

Part 4 A Little Help

Gabrielle had gone to the temple of Hermes to send their messages to family and friends. Xena in the temple of Athena knelt before the bronze statue of the Warrior Goddess.

"Athena. You know I'm not one for prayers or petitioning the gods for anything. But I am in need of your wisdom and assistance. I carry a child, because of your brother. Help me hide this child from him."

A light hand on her head caused her to look up from the stone floor she had been studying so hard. Athena stood before her in armor and helm a gentle smile on her lips. "Rise, Xena. I know it is hard for you to kneel before us Olympians. you who have seen our petty bickering and family squabbles. You who were promised to me by your mother on your birth. Of course I will assist you in this. You go to the Amazon's do you not?"

"Yes." Xena said releasing the breath she hadn't realized she was holding. Taking the offered hand she rose from the floor. "With Gabrielle, my friend, holding Terris Right Of Cast they would allow us to have our children in their village."

"Gabrielle... You know she is a favorite of my sister Artemis..... Wait one moment.... HERMES!" Xena covered her ears at the yell of the goddess.. the volume was enough to deafen her. "I'm sorry dear. But with Hermes you never know where that rascal is."

"I'm here Athena. You need a message carried to...."

"Artemis. Tell her I need to see her immediately. Thank..." Hermes didn't wait for the thank you he had received his message and was on his way. "Now if Artemis agrees we two shall hide you from my brother... You are wise not to mention his name."

"You needed to see me Athena?"

"Yes Artemis. hmmm I need to explain a situation to you. Xena wait here we will be right back. My home on Olympus would be the best place for us to discuss this sister."

Both Goddesses disappeared leaving Xena once again alone within the temple. She had barely taken a step when both goddesses reapeared. Artemis put her shoulder around Xena and kissed her cheek.

"I bless you with the preys ability to hide from the hunter." With that she disappeared.

As she felt a finger touch her feet. she heard the voice of Hermes "I bless you with safe travel to the Amazon's."

"I will keep my brother occupied in other matters while you carry the child, as best I can." Athena said. With a final touch to Xena's cheek the goddess left.

"XENA!!!" Gabrielle screamed from the behind the closed doorway. Fearing for her friend Xena unsheathed her sword and ran. Throwing open the door she froze and began to laugh.

Gabrielle stood watching her laugh. "What's so funny?" she demanded. Not realizing the picture she made standing there. Hermes had apparently played a joke on the bard while leaving. A small plackard hung from her staff. Written on it were the words Amazonia Or Bust.

Part 5 Interlude with a friend

As Xena slid to the floor laughing, Gabrielle watched. All the warrior could do is point at the sign with one hand and hold her sides with the other. "It feels good to laugh" she thought trying desperately to calm herself.

Gabrielle watched as Xena tried to regain control and stop laughing. Wondering again what could possibly cause such an outburst she looked at her staff and for the first time saw the placard. "Xena, it's not THAT funny!" she snatched the offending placard from her staff and placed it in her pouch.

Reaching down a hand she helped the still shaking warrior to her feet. "Our room is ready and so is dinner. Now do you mind explaining what happened.

On the way to the tavern Xena explained as much as she dared then looking at her friend she asked "Gabrielle, I still don't understood why you were screaming. I thought you were in danger."

"Well Xena the doors were locked and the entire temple was glowing. I thought you might be in some kind of trouble... Even the priest wouldn't enter the temple. Now do you think we can get some food AND sit. My feet are killing me.... and my back."

Xena smiled with the wisdom having had a child. "Gabrielle.... It only gets worse. Wait till you can't see your feet. Or you need assistance getting up from a sitting position."

"What's this? Help getting up from a sitting position? " Both women turned to see Hercules standing behind them.

"Hercules!!!!!" Gabrielle yelled as she through herself into the demi-gods arms. Xena held her hand out hoping he wouldn't notice anything different or mention it if he did.

"So Gabrielle, sounds like...." Gabrielle silenced him with a hand against his lips.

"Please Hercules don't mention that. There are reasons but to explain them would put to many lives at risk."

Hercules puzzled saw tears glimmering in the bards eyes. 'Something is terribly wrong' he thought. He nodded his head to indicate his understanding then looked to Xena. If he had been puzzled by Gabrielle the truth shining through Xena's eyes overwhelmed him. 'Oh Gods! she's pregnant too. That is why Gabrielle doesn't want it mentioned.' "Ahem... So where are you two heading?"

"Where ever the road takes us." Xena answered, knowing he had realized her secret while praying he would keep it.

"If you need any help down the road...."

"I'll let you know." Xena was grateful for Hercules' silence.

Now why don't we go to the tavern and get some food. It's not often I get to dine with two of Greece's most beautiful women."

Gabrielle giggled at Hercules bow. She curtsied and took his arm. Walking between Hercules and Xena she knew somehow he had figured it out and agreed to keep the secret.


Ephiny sat down heavily in the chair in near the fireplace of her hut. Little Phantes had finally gone to sleep. "If I had known baby centaurs had so much energy....." She smiled. Even at his worst Xenos Gabriel Phantes was the joy of her life. She had been forced to build her hut away from both the Amazons and Centaurs. She would not deny her son his Centaur heritage, but she refused to let them raise him completely as had been suggested by many of her fellow Amazons when she had returned. This was the best solution.

A light began to slowly grow behind her she jumped from her chair prepared to fight to protect her home and child. From the light stepped Artemis, goddess of the Amazons. Ephiny knelt before her.

"Oh don't do that." the goddess said lifting Ephiny's chin. "I came to you with a mission."

"Yes Goddess. What do you need me to do?" She asked knowing that she could not abandon her son even if Artemis demanded it.

"Oh no, Ephiny, nothing like that. I just need you to take six Amazons on the west road. There are two travelers coming that I have given my protection.."

"Of course I will start out at first light." Ephiny looked at Artemis and opened her mouth to ask another question.

"You are wondering why I came to you? I like you. Besides, Melosa has problems of her own to deal with.... And this will be good for the....Oops almost said to much." Glancing around the cabin "Do you mind if I see that son of yours?"

As Ephiny and the six Amazons left heading west, A new trouble for the Amazons entered through the east, Valaska.

Chapters 6 - 10 Or Back To The Library.