Return to the home of
Flyin' Pille

Who is Flyin' Pille?

You are now in THE HALL

You are now at the place from where to get to all the other rooms of the first floor!

The rooms of the first floor are probably the most important once. You can find out who I am, you can find out where else to find me and you can find out what to find on this page. Isn't it just great?
If your nature is a rather critical one you may not agree with the last statement. Let me know what you like and what you don't like on this page by writing an E-Mail! I love my mail-box to be full

My living room
Here you can find out who I am
Stairs Up
The reception desk
where you can find out what to find on which floor
By the way, your'r visitor no.
Stairs Down The travelling room
From here you can travell to my several homes in the net

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