Well, boys and girls, if there's one thing the Jokesmith knows all too well it's that time rolls along and things change. I started this little website back in 1997 to promote possible comedy or writing careers. Of course, neither went very far and now I'm a supervisor in a call center worried about Quality Development and calls per hour and headcount. ***SIGH*** The Jokesmith is the Jokesmith no more. But fear not, gentle reader. I will still occassionally add articles to my rantings as I see fit, and will continue to point out the foibles of the human race as the mood strikes me. So please feel free to check out my past Rantings articles at your leisure, and I promise to try to make it interesting from time to time. However, going forward (see, I TOLD you I was a corporate drone now!) I'm going to devote the site to family and friends and keeping an uncaring world updated on the trivial matters in my life. So please accept this cordial invitation to visit Terry Dale's (formally know to one and two as The JOKESMITH) homepage and spend a few minutes getting to know me and my family and friend a little better.

Ya know what? TO HELL with that! I need to be funny, and will starting adding updates to my Rantings. And to all you new readers out there, I was calling it Rantings before Dennis Miller hit HBO, so he can take a long walk on a short pier.....

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