
As Written By: Lily

SuperHero’s Name and Alias: The Big Red Moose, alias unknown

Theme Song: "Tales of a Scorched Earth", by Smashing Pumpkins. Just for the title and the way the music sounds. Heh.

Motto: "..........."

Battle Cry: (*unintelligible yell*)

Weapon: The Big Red Bazooka

Location of HQ: ???

Mascot: The Squirrel, as far as I can tell

Color(s): red and black

Super Partner(s): the Spellbinding Squirrel Supreme. We think.

SuperOutfit: a red & black flame-patterned jumpsuit, and a red and black mask.

Powers: prettier fire than the Raccoon, courtesy of his Bazooka. Teleportation. And the simple ability to beat the crap out of someone.

Source of Powers: (*shrugs*)

Weakness: bunnies

Mode of Transportation: (*points upward*) teleportation.

Nemesis: Kommander Viking, and we'll assume the UCW.

Likes/Dislikes/Bad Habits: Who knows...


Moose and Squirrel (yep, the same pic that's on the S3's page)

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