What People Should Call You: I've long since resigned myself to the fact that I have no control over what people call me. Do you seriously think that I *chose* the name STUMPY?

Villain's Name and Alias: Lindsey McDonald, Attorney-at-Law. (*pauses, then adds in a pained voice*) Or, Stumpy the Evil Law Guy.

Motto: I hate failure when there's no one else to blame it on.

Weapon: The Swiss-Army-Hand (TM), and Red Tape.

Mode of Transportation: (*waves hand -- er, the left one -- dismissively*) Drivers. (*long pause*) But I've got a pickup. Don't let that get out.

Colors: blue and gray.


EvilOrganization: The United Confederation of Wrongness. They pay well.

Powers: the ability to use mindnumbing legal jargon and convoluted logic traps with the greatest of ease.

Source of Powers: My ties and an ungodly amount of time spent in UCW's Law School.

Weakness: (*tersely*) I'm sensitive about the hand. (*pause*) And seem to have this sick fascination with karaoke.

Nemeses: The UCW's enemies are my enemies, et cetera, et cetera.

Likes: winning, causing others to lose, having money, children, country and blues.

Dislikes: losing (as you could have guessed from the winning thing), being poor, those who are overly self-righteous, disability jokes

Bad Habits: The whole "being evil" thing could be a bad habit...or is it the "momentary flashes of good" part? I never remember that. Having technical difficulties with the SAH. Getting too caught up in personal vendettas.

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