Noah Wyle~~ Floor 3! Noah

Noah Wyle

Floor 3!


Noah Wyle...drool :P~

Just the basics!

Real Name Noah Strausser Speer Wyle
Date of Birth June 4th, 1971 (That makes him 33)
Sign Gemini
Place of birth Cedars of Lebanon (hospital) in Los Angeles (he was born by Caesarean section if you really want to know!)
Grew up in Hollywood
Mom Majorie Spiro Katz (a.k.a. Marty), an orthopedic nurse
Dad Stephan Wyle, an electrical engineer
Step-parents Noah's parents divorced when he was in the second grade. They both remarried. Mom's new husband Jack Katz (a film restorer) had 3 kids that he brought into the marriage. Dad remarried too and had another daughter with his new wife.
Siblings 6 (one brother, Aaron - younger, one sister, Alex - 3 years older, plus 3 step-siblings and 1 half-sister)
Marital Status married to, makeup artist, Tracy Warbin (since May 6th, 2000) - add'l trivia, he proposed on 2/14/99
Children 1, a son, Owen Strausser Wyle, born November 9th, 2002
Ethnic Background ?
Height6'1 or 6'2 depending who you ask
Weight ?
Eye color brown
Hair color brown
Shoe size ?
Right/Left handed ?

Thatcher School class of 1989. Noah was accepted to Northwestern University (or was it USC?), but he passed it up to try acting professionally.... looks like it payed off! (Noah was also the only member of his graduating class who did not go onto college!)

Schools St. Thomas' pre-school in L.A, Thatcher School - a private boarding school in Ojai, California - and ewww, we don't even want to know about the Thatcher tradition where "each freshman has to take care of a horse for a year. (If you ask Noah about Thacher, he'll shout one of the school's more disturbing mottos: 'There is something about the outside of a horse that's good for the inside of a boy!')" - Noah describes Thatcher as a "prep feeder school to Ivy League colleges." - He ran cross-country, played basketball, and participated in the school's theatre program.
Hobbies photography, traveling, and going to the movies, playing pool, basketball, and collecting baseball cards, antiques, and Noah's Ark toys/figurines/etc.
Pets 3 dogs (Charlotte, JJ, and Maggie) and 4 cats (Smitty, Mick, Bert and Ernie)
Home Bought Bo Derek's ranch in San Ysidro California [June 1999]-(this might be the "Mediterranean home in Los Angeles"?)
Car/Vehicle big blue Bronco, and a blue 1960 Olds
First/Infamous Vehicle (they all seem to have an early car that they talk about) George Clooney gave him a 1960 Oldsmobile convertible (powder blue on the bottom and white on top)
First/Interesting Jobs busboy and then waiter, at the Bel Age Hotel, off Sunset Boulevard, The Beverly Center (where Noah worked at about four or five different food stands)
Favorite Books/Authors ?
Favorite Music/Bands Bob Dylan
Favorite Movie/Actors Big Bird (his idol - LOL)
Favorite Food Onion or salt bagels
Interesting Factoids According to Mr. Showbiz, Noah sleeps in the nude - "I'm a hippie child, and we all slept naked."
He says his dancing skills depend on how drunk he is. "(W)hat I lack in talent, I make up for in originality. I'm a flailer. I spread a wide girth around me."
Noah's godfather is actor Mandy Patinkin (the Princess Bride's Inigo Montoya, or Dr. Jeffrey Geiger on Chicago Hope
Here's an interesting one, Noah grew up Jewish, but in a recent Cosmo article (summer '99 - Noah Wyle's Prescription for Love) he orders a ham sandwich while on his lunch, I'm not Jewish, but isn't that a no-no?... hmmmm... (I'm not trying to stomp on anyones' religion and my knowlegde of Judaism is very limited... someone said something about it (the religion; not ham sandwiches or my knowledge) being passed down on the mothers side... either way I'm confused.
he's a spokesman for the Skin Cancer Foundation
He used to play the drums but now he just dabbles in the bongos
First girlfriend: "When I was fourteen, my freshman year of high school. It never got very far, that relationship. She'd kiss me and I'd punch her in the arm, that kind of thing."
Lost his virginity: "A year before I had my first girlfriend. (The girl was) eighteen, I think. I was on vacation."
He has a tattoo, a very tiny one. "One night when I was fifteen or sixteen, my friend Harry had a party and he was experimenting -- sticking a needle into a cork and dipping it in India ink. I don't remember this, but apparently I said that I wanted that white stick figure with the halo from the TV show The Saint on my arm. Harry started to do it, and either I came to my senses or fell asleep, one of the two, and I ended up with nine dots instead."
Bad Habits smokes (Marlboros and supposedly a lot of them) and drinks (beer and bourbon)
Boxers or Briefs ?
Excellent information gathered mainly from Mr. Showbiz and a WHOLE LOT of articles!
Want to add anything? Let us know!

NBC's ER website
Check out what's happening at NBC's ER website!

Look for Noah on T.V.

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