Holy smokes, this Web's confusin'. Odd names for everythin'! First time I got a message 'bout 'cookies' on the screen, I thought Magnus was naggin' me for eatin' at the console. Turns out it's web-talk for the end o' the line leavin' a Post-It note to remember me next time I visit. Not a chocolate chip in sight. There I was gettin' all worried..!
But that's me. No fancy frills, but I'll get the job done. Do my bit to cheer
up the place if folks're down. Help out where I can. Throw you a joke or two.
An' if there's Decepti-pests about... whoo, boy. Count on me to do a lil' fumigatin'..!
I got a song o' sorts that
sums it up 'bout me. Tune ain't mine, but it's kinda my theme. Rolls along nice.
Jus' like me!
Sharp optics may notice I ain't local to Earth. That's 'cause we Autobots hail
from a few lightyears down the road. Place called Cybertron. Unfortunately,
the Decepticons're there too, so life ain't all roses. But what the hey? We
manage. There's stuff on me n' Cybertron if ya click the red badges up top,
Loada facinatin' stuff on this-here Net thing. Seems you can get a site for
every occasion (why are they called sites? ... no, wait. Guess ya do 'construct'
stuff on 'em). An' I DO mean everythin'!
Here's a bunch I like:
http://zope.webtruck.org/webtruck Heh-heh! Now this is cute. Practise yer truckin' skills! This site's got a lil' green fella who likes to tidy up his place by shuntin' bits and pieces around and tippin' 'em into a box! You can talk to yer mates while you're at it.
http://www.mimitchi.com/ This guy knows all there is to know about feedin,' care an' how to make your cyberpets, Furbies, 'Gotchies, Digi-dudes an' Pokey-pals all feel welcome an' loved!
http://www.toysrus.com/ For kids an' big kids alike - say what you want, there's cool gadgets in here..!
http://www.monstertrucks.net/ A site on truck n' tractor contests, an' important stuff ya need to know... I like this one!
http://rinkworks.com/jokes/pages.shtml Jokes. Where I get mine from..? Ain't tellin'...
Well, that's it f' now! Might have updates in the PIPEline for ya later (pipeline - Pipes, geddit?), 'cause let's face it, this Web's pretty 'mazin'. Least I can figure why it's called the WEB - once you're in, you're well an' truely caught!
Keep truckin'!
Pipes 07-04-09