Click on the person who's page you would like to see:
Hello. My name is Erika.
This is my page devoted entirely to the coolest celebrities out there. I have spent much time collecting all the pictures I can find of these beautiful celebrities and am posting EVERY SINGLE ONE of them here (time and space permitting, of course). I'm not really one for text, so pictures are just about the only thing you'll find here, but you'll find thousands of them. If you have a preference as to who you'd like to see added next to this site, choose one from the list below and VOTE! Thanks, and enjoy! (NOTE: This site is permanently UNDER MASSIVE CONSTRUCTION. Please check back often as I am continuously updating it.)
Choose a Celebrity:
Note: Please only vote once for a particular person, but feel free to vote for multiple people. Thanks!
Note: results will be updated every few months.
You are visiter # since September 17th, 1997
Page Last Updated 9/15/01