Santana's: Funnies page

Sentinel Funnies

By: Denise

Q: What happens when you give a scanner to a person with a *slightly* warped sense of humor? (laughing evilly)

A: Oh...What you see here.

Sorry about the quality, keep in mind that the pictures were pulled from the web, printed, played with, scanned and placed back on the web. You tend to lose something when that happens.

Monica wants me to only post one at a time. I have several done. So be mad at her, not me. ha ha.

Thanks to the people I stole the pictures from. I'm sorry....I've stolen so many, I have no idea whose sites they came from. (yes...I'm a Sentinel pic thief. It's sad but true. I'm trying to get help, but it may take a while. You may want to hide your pics in a safe or something. Oh, not the old fashioned ones. I can break into those. You may want to purchase one of those nice electronic ones.)

Seriously, thanks to everyone who donates their time and resources to give the rest of us a *really good time*.

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