Santana's: Memories


By: Santana

Authors notes: This is just a little something that I wrote for my Sister on 3/2/08. It has never been posted and is probably my first completed Supernatural Fic. I hope you enjoy it!

"Damn brownie bitch." Dean growled, as he tried to remove the dessert from his TV dinner, according to directions, before sticking it back in the microwave to finish cooking. But instead of coming out in one piece, it fell apart and wanted to stick to the thick, black, plastic tray.

Again his eyes drifted to Sam’s dessert of apple pie....Sam could feel Dean’s eyes on him and it gave him a bit of pleasure knowing he had something his older brother wanted. Finally his dinner was done, and after putting the mass of crumbled brownie back into its designated slot, he sat down at the table with his younger brother. They both ate in silence, too tired from the days chasing down of leads to even formulate an actual thought. Sam ate his still crunchy green beans, thankful for whatever nutritional value they held.

"Mom’s were better." Dean said thoughtfully flicking his own green beans over with his fork.


Dean poked at his rubbery carrots before trying his potatoes. ”Mom made great green beans.... I don't remember a whole lot, but I remember that she could make about anything taste good. When dad was away, she would make these patty things,,,,,with tuna I think...and corn on the cob, with lots of butter,,,,green beans,....and rolls. She always made extra for the next day. She said that this was our special meal, she never made it when dad was home.”

"Dad hated tuna." Sam said remembering their late father.

Dean nodded....”Yeah, he did. When it was just us, she would make apple pies. I'd help her make the crust." Dean noticed when Sam’s brows went up. "What?,,,,Dude, don't look at me like that. I helped mom do a lot of things,,,,Especially when she was pregnant with you. Dad was gone, and she was sick most of the time. She needed help and I was the only one there."

Sam smiled imagining Dean doing housework in an apron.

"The sight of eggs made her sick, so I had to do the cracking and mixing....other things got to her too, so she would show me how to do whatever needed to be done and we worked as a team."

"That's a lot to put on a four year old." Sam stated, suddenly realizing that Dean never had much of a childhood even before the whole demon hunting thing came into play.

Dean shrugged. "Not really, I didn't mind. There wasn't much to do around there anyway. No kids my age to play with. I liked helping mom out and then eating the rewards." Then thoughtfully, “What I wouldn't give to go back in time and have just a day with more more pie....anything."

Sam nodded. "I'm glad you had what you did." Looking at Dean’s TV dinner and the untouched crumbled brownie mound, Sam softened. "Wanna trade?"

The question shook Dean out of his thoughts. "You sure?"

Sam grins and pushes his tray to his brother. Dean does the same adding "Enjoy...oh, and you can have those orange things too."

"Those are carrots Dean." Sammy said, rolling his eyes at his older brother and his aversion to vegetables.

Dean snorts. "If you say so....but I’ve had carrots and those don't even come close." Then evilly, " I'll give you five bucks if you eat them....all of them."

Sam looks at the orange imposters, wondering if it’s worth it. Dean stops eating the pie long enough to watch Sammy ponder the offer. He reaches into his shirt pocket and pulls out a crumpled five and throws it on the table. Sam looks at the money and then the carrots, his fork hovers for a moment before finally spearing one and popping it into his mouth.

Dean sat, elbows on table, and watched for the slightest crack in Sammy’s expression. The younger Winchester was immediately put off by the texture of the carrot, as soon as it hit his mouth...he wanted to gag, but wouldn't give his older brother the satisfaction. He chewed and chewed and chewed and chewed.... //Was this made by Wrigley’s or Swanson’s.?? he wondered.

Finally he had it chewed up, and it did not taste like any carrot he had ever tasted. Now what to was pulverized in his, non carrot like mush....and he couldn't swallow it. His eyes watered slightly as he tried to wrap his mind around the thought of actually finishing the act of eating.....He looked at Dean who was now smirking at him....oh no...This would not do. He had to swallow to save face. He went part of the way down...but then tried to come back up. Sammy grabbed his beer, taking a big swig to force it down.

Closing his eyes, he sat very still trying to will the substance to stay down. When he opened his eyes again, Dean had his dad’s journal out, quickly leafing through the pages. "Whats wrong? What are you doing?" Sam asked, his stomach feeling queasy.

Dean picked up the salt shaker and shook it in Sam’s direction, effectively pelting his younger brother with white pellets... “Damn it Dean! What are you doing? Are you crazy?" Sam asked while he jumped up and brushed himself off.

Dean grinned. "Nope, I'm just taking precautions. If you could have seen your face while you ate that ‘carrot’," Dean quoted with his fingers, "Then you would be taking precautions too. Dude you looked possessed...and you’ve got.." Dean looked at the tray and counted, "four more to eat. I might have to do an exorcism before you're done."

Sam turned a pale shade of green at the thought of eating more of those so called carrots. "I don't need the money that bad." He said as he lurched from the table and headed to the bathroom.

" Hey Sammy where ya goin?"

"To do my own exorcism.” The younger Winchester groaned from the bathroom."

Dean grinned. "Hey, you want your brownie?" At the sound of a loud gag, Dean decided that it meant no and helped himself. He loved being an older brother.

The End.

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