Hi, I'm Heather. I am a twenty-six year old female. I have written a couple of stories, a journal entry, and other things to be found on my web page as well as here. I am a rampant feminist, who has a problem with not speaking my mind even if it does get me in trouble with my advisor. I am currently a junior at West Virginia University Institute of Technology, major in the humanities. I'm going to do my Masters in Anthropology, and am a raving humanitarian. I care about issues of violence, hate crimes, medical research, and the world's oppression of native cultures.
I started writing as a way to work out problems, and found slash just three months ago. My muse is pushy and insistent. It writes my stories for me, I just type them. Unfortunately, my muse is picky and only gives me phrases which I then have to fill in with my strange sense of humor. I am a music lover of most sorts (can't stand Country and Western or Gospel) and happen to love classical, heavy metal, Queen, native/tribal, and earth music. I do write a lot, so you'll be hearing from me soon. Happy reading.
P.S. I can be found as Voracity on AOL Instant Messenger and have my page under that name on Geocities.com at www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Trailer/1466. Most of my work, including some in other fandoms can be found there.