Monkey Fear Cafe!!

The Demons of Stupidity's

Monkey Fear Cafe

1. A Friendly Introduction
2. Generic Rock Song
3. Politics
4. The Hits of Techno
5. Mr. Ed (w/ “special guests” This Crappy Nation”)
6. What Would You Do?
7. (Let’s Dance) The Screw
8. The Best of That Guy in the Subway Station
9. A Trip to the Dentist
10. Pork Fiction
11. Andy the Cultist
12. Go Home Alabama (Neil’s Retort)
13. Roeper & Ebert
14. Metamorphosis Auditions
15. Heart & Soul
16. Iron Elevator
17. An Interview with Bud
18. Night of the Living Dead
19. XGA
20. Chains of Celebrity
21. Worms Polka
22. Michael J. DeFrontajeur
23. Do You Believe?
24. Kazoo Jam
If you'd like to order this CD (Only $10!), contact me, or order it through the Demons' website.
Monkey House

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